111+ builds


Hey guys, I want to hear thoughts on builds capable of doing 111+ (ie, 99%+) missions easily.
I know that certain builds are good in certain conditions, but it doesn't seem to me that there is anything capable of doing ANY 99 mission efficiently anymore. Prove me wrong.

Currently, I'm using a Thunder Hammer build that peaks in exposed state. The beefy damage (ie, the one that can theoretically kill anything if the mob density is good and if the mob is surrounding the tough enemy/ies) comes from the 15% chance for enemies to explode upon death.

Here are the pros and cons:
+80/60/60/60 once I go into exposed state
+pretty good damage reduction because of the 80/60/60/60 DR/resists, the +40% damage reduction below 50%, and the 50% DR from the 6-psalm doctrine (the one that takes 50% damage taken from suppression, which, in my case, is infinite because of AB1)
+OK damage vs trash
+great damage vs high density packs, as long as I get lucky
+good mobility, due to the 1, 4 combo (Thunder Hammer leap skill, armor jump)
+hit max crit str breakpoint with my inoculator

-shitty damage vs 111s and higher
-1 skill knocks back the trash mobs...which is exactly what I DON'T want...I want them to be close together.
-because I'm using AB1 + the DR doctrine, I'm always in the bottom portion of the yellow, meaning knock backs can get very annoying...
-my inoculator only has 5 charges...and it's what keeps me alive during the tough fights

Anyway, based on what I've seen so far, the only good things capable of doing the toughest missions right now are:
-explode on death/stun death vs high density packs (some supreme missions are ideal for this kind of build)

Lemme know if you've discovered anything OP that can breeze through 99s. I had to restart again, so I lost my wealth and items...so I had to depend on ancients I found during VCs. They're OK, but I think I could become stronger if I was using normal relics...ancients helped me get back on my feet, but their lack of customizability really hurts them when you're trying to do the hardest content.

My current build (changed a bit since my original post):

This post was edited 4 years 204 days ago by treecargarage
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111+ builds
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4 years 201 days ago
Posted by Brother Kundari 4 years 205 days ago
I don´t know, I don´t think I did anything wrong as such, but you are first and foremost quoting ME. Yes, me. Why then are you quoting me? When it is not me you should quote?

This ends up getting me into the crossfire, when I should be totally outside of it. It also ends up people downvoting me and my posts, and makes me the kinda bad one here. And all this just also confuses me a bit. And it also makes me even think that I really shouldn´t be the one who posted the first thing here at all. And this whole thread here also seems to have been blown out of proportions here. And I think I should just move out of the whole thread here, and stay away from it.

You didn't do anything wrong, other than misreading  AuretiousTaak's response. They just were responding to your post, which is why it was quoted, and providing a reason that no one was responding to treecargarage's question.

You were never in the crossfire. I think you probably got downvoted because you misread AuretiousTaak's response. In fact if you closlely read AuretiousTaak's second post he specifically mentions that he was "...agreeing with you and expanding."

So chill, feel free to post, nobody is out to get you :)

4 years 204 days ago

Here's my current build (gets owned by 99%+ missions...gets owned by some lower level missions as well...thx Nerfcore):

There are some things I would like to change...but I'm poor now, so I can't afford to reroll whenever I feel like it.

This comment was edited 4 years 204 days ago by treecargarage
4 years 205 days ago
Posted by Brother Kundari 4 years 205 days ago
I don´t know, I don´t think I did anything wrong as such, but you are first and foremost quoting ME. Yes, me. Why then are you quoting me? When it is not me you should quote?

This ends up getting me into the crossfire, when I should be totally outside of it. It also ends up people downvoting me and my posts, and makes me the kinda bad one here. And all this just also confuses me a bit. And it also makes me even think that I really shouldn´t be the one who posted the first thing here at all. And this whole thread here also seems to have been blown out of proportions here. And I think I should just move out of the whole thread here, and stay away from it.

Don't sweat it, man. Downvoting is stupid as hell, anyway...only little girls and soy boys partake (and me, recently...lol...but only because I have an online stalker).
4 years 205 days ago
Posted by AuretiousTaak 4 years 205 days ago

Re-read the first post mate. I only ever said "He", I never directed anything at you. I was agreeing with you and expanding.

As you can see from his other myraid responses he talks big then demands other people put up videos but his channel mysteriously disappeared and he can't prove anything he is citing. Funny that.

I don´t know, I don´t think I did anything wrong as such, but you are first and foremost quoting ME. Yes, me. Why then are you quoting me? When it is not me you should quote?

This ends up getting me into the crossfire, when I should be totally outside of it. It also ends up people downvoting me and my posts, and makes me the kinda bad one here. And all this just also confuses me a bit. And it also makes me even think that I really shouldn´t be the one who posted the first thing here at all. And this whole thread here also seems to have been blown out of proportions here. And I think I should just move out of the whole thread here, and stay away from it.

4 years 205 days ago
Posted by treecargarage 4 years 205 days ago

I enjoy the game, but honestly, it's mainly because I invested time and effort into it and because I'm stubborn. If I could go back in time, I wouldn't buy it. In fact, I refunded it after the first few hours because I thought it was boring. Maybe I should have (better) listened to myself...

I do have faith that Diablo 4 will be amazing, though...but who knows how many years away that game is.

I can respect that!  

Diablo 4?!  I had no clue that Blizzard was even working on it!  #instantbuy

4 years 205 days ago
Posted by Potpie 4 years 205 days ago
Hey Treecar.

I'm not trying to be sarcastic or smart-ass or anything but sincere here, so that said:

Why do you still play?

Most of your posts the last couple months are pretty negative, and I can't help but wonder:

Why honestly do you still play?  You seem to be pretty unhappy about the current state of the game.

I enjoy the game, but honestly, it's mainly because I invested time and effort into it and because I'm stubborn. If I could go back in time, I wouldn't buy it. In fact, I refunded it after the first few hours because I thought it was boring. Maybe I should have (better) listened to myself...

I do have faith that Diablo 4 will be amazing, though...but who knows how many years away that game is.

This comment was edited 4 years 205 days ago by treecargarage
4 years 205 days ago
Posted by AuretiousTaak 4 years 205 days ago

Re-read the first post mate. I only ever said "He", I never directed anything at you. I was agreeing with you and expanding.

As you can see from his other myraid responses he talks big then demands other people put up videos but his channel mysteriously disappeared and he can't prove anything he is citing. Funny that.

Moron...I posted my vids on Discord several times.
4 years 205 days ago
Hey Treecar.

I'm not trying to be sarcastic or smart-ass or anything but sincere here, so that said:

Why do you still play?

Most of your posts the last couple months are pretty negative, and I can't help but wonder:

Why honestly do you still play?  You seem to be pretty unhappy about the current state of the game.

4 years 205 days ago
Posted by Brother Kundari 4 years 205 days ago
Eehhh, Uummm, well... Okee.

Didn´t think I would and should get thrown full of shit like this for such and my one and single a comment, but... Uuummm, uuhhh, okeee.

I shall be more careful of what and how I comment on posts in the future. Thank you for enlightneing me, in such a manner. Even though I do not understand it all. But ... Oh well.

Re-read the first post mate. I only ever said "He", I never directed anything at you. I was agreeing with you and expanding.

As you can see from his other myraid responses he talks big then demands other people put up videos but his channel mysteriously disappeared and he can't prove anything he is citing. Funny that.

4 years 205 days ago
Posted by Giamantis 4 years 205 days ago
It's pretty funny how you get thumbs down almost immediately that you post anything. Someone is just sat watching for you to post lol.  Anyway there's some valid points - they removed a damage option without adding or boosting anything else.. well apart from DoTs a bit I suppose.  My personal gripe is that certain weapons are just more effective at that kind of difficulty level.. I don't want to have to use whatever few things are good enough, I want all weapons options to be equally viable.  If you got 10 options and 1 is far superior to others, then really you only got 1 option.  I'd be interested to hear from others just what things they have actually got to work at that level.  I'd also be interested to know if the devs have actually tested every weapon at that level, and thought about how to boost the less effective things to give more choices.
Yes, some anonymous coward started downvoting me as soon as I post a while ago. They're probably the type that tortures insects and kills stray cats. But on the bright side, I now have the honor of downvoting Taak's posts, which makes me feel a little better.

And yes, what you said is true. I told trebron55 on Discord that Nerfcore should make EVERYTHING good...even OP. That makes for a fun game. What they did is basically kill the already dwindling variety.

Also, I'm not exaggerating when I say this...I do not think Nerfcore seriously tests their game. It seems to me that they either listen to a bunch of casual scrubs on Discord, or their QA/balance team spends a few hours the night before a patch to see if everything "works".

4 years 205 days ago
It's pretty funny how you get thumbs down almost immediately that you post anything. Someone is just sat watching for you to post lol.  Anyway there's some valid points - they removed a damage option without adding or boosting anything else.. well apart from DoTs a bit I suppose.  My personal gripe is that certain weapons are just more effective at that kind of difficulty level.. I don't want to have to use whatever few things are good enough, I want all weapons options to be equally viable.  If you got 10 options and 1 is far superior to others, then really you only got 1 option.  I'd be interested to hear from others just what things they have actually got to work at that level.  I'd also be interested to know if the devs have actually tested every weapon at that level, and thought about how to boost the less effective things to give more choices.
4 years 205 days ago
Posted by AuretiousTaak 4 years 205 days ago
And with his rage filled "You're full of shit" responses, I doubt anyone is going to post up anything for him moving forwards.

I love how he posts up vids, doesn't share the builds or his equipment in the vids, and also ignores my statement of Demolition Armour is key to the build, because, you know, it destroys the big stuff significantly faster then that shotgun ever will. He admiyts his innoculator is crap, buta lso tells us that it is the ONLY thing keeping him alive with his 5 charges only. He's using digitalw eapons but you don't actually need to be using digital weapons at all. But hey, I'm apparently full of it and taht gives him the right to abuse me, guess I ain't sharing crap with him beyond what I have thus far.

Ten of course in his vids he fluffs around killing off little crap instead of focusing the big stuff and killing the little stuff if he still wants to after the clear, and goes on about how slow it is to clear the mission objectives (runninga way and using sentinel turrets, so noob at that difficulty!) but hey, I suppose being a douchebag when someone makes a comment is how this dude rolls, so all power to him hating the game and not beinga ble to refine his build to clear things with his crusader in a relatively speedy fashion (because it's crusader and it's always been slower then some other classes and their builds). 

Eehhh, Uummm, well... Okee.

Didn´t think I would and should get thrown full of shit like this for such and my one and single a comment, but... Uuummm, uuhhh, okeee.

I shall be more careful of what and how I comment on posts in the future. Thank you for enlightneing me, in such a manner. Even though I do not understand it all. But ... Oh well.

4 years 205 days ago
Posted by AuretiousTaak 4 years 205 days ago
And with his rage filled "You're full of shit" responses, I doubt anyone is going to post up anything for him moving forwards.

I love how he posts up vids, doesn't share the builds or his equipment in the vids, and also ignores my statement of Demolition Armour is key to the build, because, you know, it destroys the big stuff significantly faster then that shotgun ever will. He admiyts his innoculator is crap, buta lso tells us that it is the ONLY thing keeping him alive with his 5 charges only. He's using digitalw eapons but you don't actually need to be using digital weapons at all. But hey, I'm apparently full of it and taht gives him the right to abuse me, guess I ain't sharing crap with him beyond what I have thus far.

Ten of course in his vids he fluffs around killing off little crap instead of focusing the big stuff and killing the little stuff if he still wants to after the clear, and goes on about how slow it is to clear the mission objectives (runninga way and using sentinel turrets, so noob at that difficulty!) but hey, I suppose being a douchebag when someone makes a comment is how this dude rolls, so all power to him hating the game and not beinga ble to refine his build to clear things with his crusader in a relatively speedy fashion (because it's crusader and it's always been slower then some other classes and their builds). 

Also, dumbo, I never said my inoc was "crap". Learn to read. Your English comprehension is atrocious. Perhaps you're blind? Ask your mom to read you my posts. That way, you may be able to respond adequately when the time comes for you to conjure up some half-baked thoughts.
4 years 205 days ago
Posted by Giamantis 4 years 205 days ago
I have nothing to add to +11 mission builds , I couldn't be bothered rebuilding my character after the season patch, I just started a new season character. But a couple of points from what's been said -

1. I don't think the highest difficulty level should be able to be smashed though in 30 seconds, that's making it trivial, and something needs nerfing in that case.

2. If triple shot demo armor missiles are more effective than main weapons themselves, that  kind of proves the point that there's less diversity.  Something wrong there too imo.

You're right, and that's why I (as did other hardcore players) recommended they add difficulty dropdowns so that we could keep challenging ourselves and hopefully get better rewards.

Instead, they just nerfed the good stuff and made the enemies have 10x more health. Nerfcore to the rescue!

Also, missile armor was ridiculously strong pre-nerf...I could take out +14 elites in less than a second (3-shot made it ridiculous because it boosted its already high base damage by a factor of 9 (3x the missiles + 3x the damage from the bugged 3-shot doctrine)).

Here are my predictions for the future of the game:
1) vulnerability rune will be nerfed (it seems to be working...when I tested months ago, the damage was ass)
2) Psyker precog will be nerfed bigly...making Psykers cry when they find out they can't move without getting 1-shotted at higher difficulties.
3) stun splode/death splode will be nerfed, making the only big damage source become extinct (game will become a 5 minute hackathon)
4) invulnerability will be nerfed (the event gift turned out to be really good)
5) the damage from suppression 6-pslam doctrine will be nerfed (it synergizes very well with AB1)

Anything good, Nerfcore will target. They want to ensure ppl grind for peanuts. That's their team philosophy.

4 years 205 days ago
Posted by AuretiousTaak 4 years 205 days ago
And with his rage filled "You're full of shit" responses, I doubt anyone is going to post up anything for him moving forwards.

I love how he posts up vids, doesn't share the builds or his equipment in the vids, and also ignores my statement of Demolition Armour is key to the build, because, you know, it destroys the big stuff significantly faster then that shotgun ever will. He admiyts his innoculator is crap, buta lso tells us that it is the ONLY thing keeping him alive with his 5 charges only. He's using digitalw eapons but you don't actually need to be using digital weapons at all. But hey, I'm apparently full of it and taht gives him the right to abuse me, guess I ain't sharing crap with him beyond what I have thus far.

Ten of course in his vids he fluffs around killing off little crap instead of focusing the big stuff and killing the little stuff if he still wants to after the clear, and goes on about how slow it is to clear the mission objectives (runninga way and using sentinel turrets, so noob at that difficulty!) but hey, I suppose being a douchebag when someone makes a comment is how this dude rolls, so all power to him hating the game and not beinga ble to refine his build to clear things with his crusader in a relatively speedy fashion (because it's crusader and it's always been slower then some other classes and their builds). 

Jesus Christ, you definitely having a reading/comprehension problem.

1) Those aren't my vids.
2) My nade Sader was one of the best in the game.
3) You don't know what you're talking about (I pointed this out to you more than once, but you seemingly can't read, you can't understand, and you think you're right, when you're dead wrong).
4) You will not be posting vids anytime soon...why? Cause you're full of it, and you're a liar.
5) I had a channel where I posted many vids of my nade Sader destroying +14s. I shouldn't have deleted it. That way, I could help scrubs such as yourself see how weak and pathetic the current builds are (yours included).

This comment was edited 4 years 205 days ago by treecargarage
4 years 205 days ago
I have nothing to add to +11 mission builds , I couldn't be bothered rebuilding my character after the season patch, I just started a new season character. But a couple of points from what's been said -

1. I don't think the highest difficulty level should be able to be smashed though in 30 seconds, that's making it trivial, and something needs nerfing in that case.

2. If triple shot demo armor missiles are more effective than main weapons themselves, that  kind of proves the point that there's less diversity.  Something wrong there too imo.

4 years 205 days ago
Posted by Brother Kundari 4 years 206 days ago
Doesn´t seem to be too many who can seem to help you out here. Make sure you bump your thread from time to time, and the other thing you may and should do, is to check out Youtube Guides. Which i am also  going to do, when the time comes to me getting closer to Lvl 100.
And with his rage filled "You're full of shit" responses, I doubt anyone is going to post up anything for him moving forwards.

I love how he posts up vids, doesn't share the builds or his equipment in the vids, and also ignores my statement of Demolition Armour is key to the build, because, you know, it destroys the big stuff significantly faster then that shotgun ever will. He admiyts his innoculator is crap, buta lso tells us that it is the ONLY thing keeping him alive with his 5 charges only. He's using digitalw eapons but you don't actually need to be using digital weapons at all. But hey, I'm apparently full of it and taht gives him the right to abuse me, guess I ain't sharing crap with him beyond what I have thus far.

Ten of course in his vids he fluffs around killing off little crap instead of focusing the big stuff and killing the little stuff if he still wants to after the clear, and goes on about how slow it is to clear the mission objectives (runninga way and using sentinel turrets, so noob at that difficulty!) but hey, I suppose being a douchebag when someone makes a comment is how this dude rolls, so all power to him hating the game and not beinga ble to refine his build to clear things with his crusader in a relatively speedy fashion (because it's crusader and it's always been slower then some other classes and their builds). 

4 years 206 days ago
Notice how even if this thread continues into the year 2021...you will never see anyone talking nicely about this piece of shit patch post a vid of them doing a 99%+ mission that doesn't involve:

1) slowness
2) a stun splode/death splode gimmick
3) both

Admit it guys, Nerfcore/Bugcore played you all. They turned your previously strong characters into walking turds. They did this so that a small, but vocal minority of scrubs would stop crying about "bwaaaaaaaaaalance" on Discord, despite them not even being good at the game (not that the game takes skill).

You guys will have to grind even more than before, and many of you will most likely quit (as expected).

That's what this is about...grind. Nerfcore loooooves grind, and whenever something is good, they will destroy it.

Now, what's left? I guess Psyker precog, stun splode, and death splode. They're pathetic and inconsistent as hell, but you know Nerfcore is salivating at the thought of killing off whatever decent stuff still exists.

4 years 206 days ago
Posted by AuretiousTaak 4 years 206 days ago
Pfft shotgun burst build went up in power with the patch. Evem with the nerfds to DR, my non-seasonal build started clearing higher levels. That triple shot buff (anyone who claims netting 150% extra damage at the cost of a mere 30% critr chance which is easily gettable from multiple locations and means, is an idiot) made things get awesome, and the cyclone missile luancher loves it too!

They could already compete with +10 missions. 

Btw, just wanted to mention that you're straight up lying. 3-shot got NERFED. And enemy scaling went WAAAAAAY up (through the roof) past 100, so your Sader would NOT have been clearing higher levels. In fact, he would have been struggling FAR more than before, just like my nade Sader, who could not even do a 99% mission after the patch. He was perfectly optimized (perfect items, perfect everything), and he got neutered to hell. So you saying your Shotty Sader got better after Nerfcore's patch is total, obvious, laughable bullshit.
4 years 206 days ago

Another gem:


The title says "very fast" LOLOL
I could do this supreme (+14) in less than 30 seconds before Nerfcore's horrible patch.
Very fast indeed...

This comment was edited 4 years 206 days ago by treecargarage
4 years 206 days ago

ROFL look at this dude struggling to take down a supreme that I could do with my eyes closed in about 5 seconds before Nerfcore went crazy with the nerfbat.


Shotty OP!!!!!! WOW

It's sad watching stuff like this...

And, of course, he had to use an explosion gimmick build...

This comment was edited 4 years 206 days ago by treecargarage
4 years 206 days ago
Posted by AuretiousTaak 4 years 206 days ago
Pfft shotgun burst build went up in power with the patch. Evem with the nerfds to DR, my non-seasonal build started clearing higher levels. That triple shot buff (anyone who claims netting 150% extra damage at the cost of a mere 30% critr chance which is easily gettable from multiple locations and means, is an idiot) made things get awesome, and the cyclone missile luancher loves it too!

They could already compete with +10 missions. 

lol...3-shot was ALREADY at triple damage. The doctrine was bugged. It would only subtract 50% damage, so if you had 800%+ extra damage, you would instead be doing 750%+. It was NERFED. I told you this twice already...don't know how hard it is to grasp?

Also, the -30% is worse than it actually is (and it's already bad). I explained it to you before, but I guess you have trouble understanding English?

The builds right now are ass...only gimmicky/situational stun splode builds can still do certain high-level supremes in a relatively efficient manner. Rest has become dog shit.

This comment was edited 4 years 206 days ago by treecargarage
4 years 206 days ago
Posted by treecargarage 4 years 206 days ago
Nerfcore really went to town this time...I doubt there will ever be any sort of variety ever again. At least before, different classes had access to % dam/debuff weapons/Diversive Tactics/max crit str...now, u got Psyker and stun splode (both of which are prolly gonna get nerfed) and some other gimmicky explode on death builds that can't compare to the TRUE raw damage builds of the past.
Pfft shotgun burst build went up in power with the patch. Evem with the nerfds to DR, my non-seasonal build started clearing higher levels. That triple shot buff (anyone who claims netting 150% extra damage at the cost of a mere 30% critr chance which is easily gettable from multiple locations and means, is an idiot) made things get awesome, and the cyclone missile luancher loves it too!

They could already compete with +10 missions. 

4 years 206 days ago
Nerfcore really went to town this time...I doubt there will ever be any sort of variety ever again. At least before, different classes had access to % dam/debuff weapons/Diversive Tactics/max crit str...now, u got Psyker and stun splode (both of which are prolly gonna get nerfed) and some other gimmicky explode on death builds that can't compare to the TRUE raw damage builds of the past.
4 years 206 days ago
Doesn´t seem to be too many who can seem to help you out here. Make sure you bump your thread from time to time, and the other thing you may and should do, is to check out Youtube Guides. Which i am also  going to do, when the time comes to me getting closer to Lvl 100.