• Active 4 years 212 days ago
  • Joined 5 years 333 days ago
  • 46 years old
About Me

The Daemon has many forms. You must know them all. You must tell the Daemon from his disguise and root him out from the hidden places. Trust no-one. trust not even yourself. It is better to die in vain than to live an abomination. The zealous martyr is praised for his valour: the craven and the unready are justly abhorred. The weak will always be led by the strong. Where the strong see purpose and act, the weak follow; where the strong cry out against fate, the weak bow their heads and succumb. There are many who are weak; and many are their temptations. Despise the weak for they shall flock to the call of the Daemon and the Renegade. Pity them not and scorn their cries of innocence - it is better that one hundred innocently fall before the wrath of the Emperor than one kneels before the Daemon. Some may question your right to destroy ten billion people. Those who understand realise that you have no right to let them live! FOR THE EMPEROR!!!