Visual Multiplayer Reflect bug but may kill you


While playing multiplayer and getting reflect my HP will appear to fluctuate between full and dead.  I do not have the kind of healing to handle this.  It looks like I deal damage (100-200k bio-lightnings) take 2-3% of that damage and then the game syncs and my hp goes back to where it should be based on the damage i actually dealt.

I think I have died at least twice now to the fake reflect amount as it brought me down to "0 health" before the game synced back up.

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Visual Multiplayer Reflect bug but may kill you
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5 years 222 days ago
When I reported this everytime i was casting psyker powers my hp would show skull(almost dead) then jump back up to a reasonable amount after reflect but sometimes I'd just die instantly, I don't have enough healing to go from almost dead to full and back again.

The #s you see in multiplayer are not the damage you do so I'm thinking my game sees some large # has my hp move then the server does a check to make sure everyone is in the correct spot etc and moves my hp to where the actual damage reflect should have put it at.  That's my guess anyways.

I think i reported this right after i hit a weaker ability that took out 60% of my hp when i had been hitting harder abilities on even more targets and taking less damage.

Now my damage is so high i can't even do reflect missions as i instantly kill myself, single or multiplayer, with or without the -80% reflect doctrine.

5 years 223 days ago

Could you be more specific on this 'and then the game syncs and my hp goes back to where it should be based on the damage i actually dealt.'?