Warhammer PS4 Trophy bug



i cleared yesterday the skilltree for "blow 250 explosiv container" in german " Zerstöre 250 explosive Behälter" but i dont become the PS4 trophy. Pls repair this bug

greetings Buju (German Player)

This post was edited 6 years 38 days ago by Buju
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Warhammer PS4 Trophy bug
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6 years 25 days ago
Just FIY, it actually unlocked! I was just playing and all of a sudden it popped. I won't lie it's a bit all around the place, i've got stuff popping before i reach the heroic deeds requirement, and some other waaay after.

Thank you for your answer!

6 years 27 days ago
Its best not to focus on getting it since its pretty likely that it stuck and more containers not gonna help unlocking the trophy! The patch will arrive soon (estimated time is around 2 weeks). After it came out just blow up some more containers and it should be good! 
6 years 28 days ago
Thank you. In the meantime, what should I do? Just keep on destroying containers, hoping it unlocks maybe before the patch? 

Thank you for your answer!

6 years 28 days ago

we will release a patch soon on PS4 which contains a new algorithm which according to our plans will unlock all those trophies which should have unlocked by themselves previously! We would like to ask your kind patience until the patch arrives! 

6 years 28 days ago
Hello I'm having the same issue: got the heroic deed but no trophy. Having checked this thread, I didn't really worry, and kept on destroying containers. However, I have destroyed quite a few containers more post having the heroic deed (on PS4 too here) and still no trophy popping. Is there any pointer? Should I better do solo missions? Is there anything I can do to improve my odds of having this?

Thank you for your help!

6 years 36 days ago
Ok thx
6 years 36 days ago
Sometimes the Deed and the trophy's counts are not equal due to various reasons! 
6 years 37 days ago

thx for this quick answer. I will do this. 

I unlocked the skilltree "heat attacks". The requirement to unlock this tree is "Blow up 250 explosive containers" thats mysterious

6 years 38 days ago

as we checked you are 20 containers away from 250. Please run a few more missions and reach this number. In case it won't help please get back to us here in this thread!