Ragan Van Wynter Bug (PS4)


She has a green exclamation mark over her head. I can't progress with the story or view the store. Please help.

PSN ID: Baaadman212

Character Name: Aeon

Store Page
Ragan Van Wynter Bug (PS4)
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6 years 25 days ago
I haven't had time to play much today. But the issue appears to be fixed now. Thanks!
6 years 25 days ago
I am having this same issue. She wants me to to redo the quest on the hidden moon to retrieve Uther Tiberius remains.  Gives me the message from the Lord Inquisitor and then tells me we are there. Then I can't access her as a vendor and progress is locked. Tried logging other chars and hard reset.
6 years 25 days ago
Check on it again please! 
6 years 26 days ago
No change yet. When I first log in with my character I can commune with Ragna for a few dialogues and then she freezes up. When I log in again I can go through the same dialogues as before and she freezes up again.

I'm supposed to be on the "Harbingers of Hate" investigation. But I'm pretty sure her dialogue is from a previous investigation.

6 years 26 days ago

we will resolve the issue today, please check on your progress a few hours from now and confirm if it works once again!