New Ecru Void Crusade does not launch on PS4


Hi, since I am already done with the global event (not worth 28 days, seem far too much time period for it), I wanted to give the brand new Ecru void crusade a try. I have 28 ecru shards in my inventory but if I click start on my psyker nothing happens :( tried clicking an old void crusade type and that one started as usual.

Edit: After finishing my ebony void crusade and logging between toons for ordo shops I gave it another try and this time the Ecru Void crusade was starting as intended. I played about 10 new missions and everything works fine. Thumbs up for including more mech enemy type missions, they are cool enemies. Dunno why it worked now and what was wrong on my first attempt, but problem seems solved at my end.

This post was edited 4 years 311 days ago by BYCROM
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New Ecru Void Crusade does not launch on PS4
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4 years 307 days ago
That issue is already in the works. Once again thanks for reporting it.
4 years 309 days ago

Just to avoid a missunderstanding: With "works now" I mean I could launch several Ecru missions meanwhile. The crash to the specific mission in the center is still there.

This comment was edited 4 years 309 days ago by BYCROM
4 years 309 days ago

Thanks for the quick reply. Overall I enjoyed the new Ecru map, good mob density, lots of (relic) chests, and even a bit challenging if you end it like a 111-113 final mission :) Mechs are beast enemies, their incredibly high firing rate  at high map levels is a welcome challenge, that even made my psyker sweat a little bit.

When starting the first Ecru I had no other void crusade running before and game was started frsh after patch. The only thing that comes to my mind is my psyker did not drop the ecru shards but my other toons and he just got them during by storage. Later he dropped shards himself so that might have changed it, anyway it works now.

About the layout: "Little similar" is a bit of an understatement, but you are right there is a minor change in the outline of the map it you look at it carefully. Since I could not launch it but only see the map layout I cannot comment on the interior so far ;-)

This comment was edited 4 years 309 days ago by BYCROM
4 years 309 days ago

The problem was that the update arrived when you already had an ongoing Crusade. Once you finished it you could launch another one. 

The crash as well as the identical maps will get checked, thanks for reporting these.

EDIT: the layout of the maps are not the same, though a little similar.

This comment was edited 4 years 309 days ago by Marcopolocs
4 years 309 days ago

same problem, crash on the central mission. ps4

4 years 310 days ago
Edit II: When doing the "Sporocyst Assult" secret mission in the center of the Ecro map (to be unlocked from both sides, Iunlocked it from the north) I consistently get a blue screen on PS4 (3 trials) immediately after loading screen finishes. I tried that type of map/enemy on ebony crusade and this one works well. So its not related to the map/enemy type in general. Also I noticed from the preview window that the secret map and the supreme mission at the upper right appear 100% identical? The map preview looks 100% the same, so you used the same map twice in one void crusade?!