Martyr is Abysmall


Hey there

after all this Years i wanted to be a supporter, but PS4 Version still is Abysmall and a Goddamn Joke. Connection is really bad, you get into Groupplays where Host is Disconnect!

Peopz of my old Clan were stated Online , where in reality they werent Online for half a Year. YES, THIS IS THE TRUTH and REALLY FUKCING SAD! 

What the Heck is this shit. Neocore you dont give a Damn about your supporters on Console, what can i say more. It happens too often, too much, it really is hurting! Performance has a big lack still, i see it can be hard to port but dammit, why do you give us and me sucha hard time to Love this Game... i dont understand it. Yes youre a small company, but one can see where resources went(PC only)... YOU Guys wanted Money, but in then END you got nothing from Dipping into every Corner, and couldnt do shit about it... 

I loved that you Guys buffed the Lasgun, since nobody wanteed to play with it, aanmd still...

No really, Console Versions are a Joke. If you had made PC only, i wouldnt have had and stil have that Problem. 

I did Post this already and im surely not the only one.


Every time i play this Game and with my very, very spare HD on PS4 to have this Game available (and my Love for Warhammer 30k/40k), its really damn sad to SAY ALL THIS X-((

I was glad to be able to buy the Mechanicum DLC for only 5 CHF.-, more than that was really not worth it, because of said already.

I`m out of Words, and that is rare believe me. Get your shit straight or leave the Game as you already did and look forward to to other stuff like you already have. BUT PLEASE MAKE AT LEAST THE PARTY SEARCH VIABLE  ON PS4, AT BLOODY LEAST! 

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Martyr is Abysmall
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3 years 306 days ago
Posted by Ksathral 3 years 308 days ago

I have been playing since release as well but the current state of the game on the PS4 is far less worse than it was in the beginning. I even made a comment on the forums back then how dissapointing the state of the game was, mainly about the performance in multiplayer, (there were no issues making or joining a group back then, however it was simply unplayable XD )

I have stopped playing for a while before 2.0 because of the state of the game at that time and started playing again after 2.0 was released and seasons started and to me it felt like a half the game was changed in a good way (except for warzone, I preferred the old one XD ). Just look at the compendium and compare that with how the game was when it was released. 

Some issues are still occurring like the occasional blue screen with CE error, which can be frustrating sometimes, but I don't have it that often anymore as it used to be. The framerate has improved a bit too, although I have to admit even on a pro playing with a group with lots of action on screen makes is lag like crazy sometimes. I can understand 54Roibr his frustration however since I mostly played on my own after 2.0,  my experience is different, yes the game still has flaws but playing solo I have not encountered much issues anymore (apart from the blue screen CE errors)

People being marked as online in the cabal while they have not played for a long time that is correct, some players in my cabal are online 24/7 for weeks, while they were not playing or even online on psn, they are marked as being in base the whole time.

Well, I hope that these things, and I actuall ybelieve they will be getting taken care of with some time. This Blue Screen crash is probably not a nice thing, when it occurs. But I have not experienced any kind of this kind oif crash, but then again, I do not play on Playstation, I play PC. I had crashes too, but very rarely it happens. But never any Blue Screen kind.

But Updates and fixes is coming on a regular basis, we all know that. But when it comes to all these Updates/Fixes I also believe that they are prioritized from most urgent to least urgent. And that is probably because of this problem being among the most urgent & important ones, since as I understand it, being a problem for the Playstation only, and not for the PC and Xbox Versions. So therefore I will believe in a way that this kind of problem which is unique to ONLY the Playstation, it is one of the problems that being worked on and will be done something with, but since it is not a common thing for ALL the platforms, it becomes a problem that is being put back in the queue.

It becomes with this like following: We will make sure this is looked into and done something with, BUT since this is not a common problem for all platforms and may not be a gamebreaking issue, we do have more urgent matters to look into before we will and can do something with this.

But I do know that this problem with bodies hanging in the air is a "problem", and many of us would like to them to fix that, but since it is not a directly Gamebreaking issue, it becomes a problem which is put backwards in the queue. This is kind of an issue with Players being shown as online for weeks and 24/7. Just the same thig, it get´s backwards in the queue, since it is not a Gamebreaking issue. Therefore again, Prioritizing and Urgent issues.

3 years 308 days ago

I have been playing since release as well but the current state of the game on the PS4 is far less worse than it was in the beginning. I even made a comment on the forums back then how dissapointing the state of the game was, mainly about the performance in multiplayer, (there were no issues making or joining a group back then, however it was simply unplayable XD )

I have stopped playing for a while before 2.0 because of the state of the game at that time and started playing again after 2.0 was released and seasons started and to me it felt like a half the game was changed in a good way (except for warzone, I preferred the old one XD ). Just look at the compendium and compare that with how the game was when it was released. 

Some issues are still occurring like the occasional blue screen with CE error, which can be frustrating sometimes, but I don't have it that often anymore as it used to be. The framerate has improved a bit too, although I have to admit even on a pro playing with a group with lots of action on screen makes is lag like crazy sometimes. I can understand 54Roibr his frustration however since I mostly played on my own after 2.0,  my experience is different, yes the game still has flaws but playing solo I have not encountered much issues anymore (apart from the blue screen CE errors)

People being marked as online in the cabal while they have not played for a long time that is correct, some players in my cabal are online 24/7 for weeks, while they were not playing or even online on psn, they are marked as being in base the whole time.

3 years 308 days ago
Meme Virus= Well, that is only ONE way of getting more Experience. But if that is the only thing you know about, you clearly has no clue od what you are talking about.

Meme Virus, then you have the Tarot Card that gives you an extra boost in Experience gained depending on it´s Level. After that you have all the ITEMS you can wrangle on. Many of those can have +% Experience Gained STATS.

Combine all those and you will get one mighty Boost In Experience gaining. So, don´t come and tell me you need to spend "YEARS" getting from Level 80 to 100.

3 years 310 days ago

Here two Games same old Problems or worse in Case of Van Helsing...

Just got all three Helsing 2 Weeks ago AND ITS bloody FRUSTRATING!

BEFORE I HAVE TO lISTEN TO MORE FANBOYISM, you read the Comments and write me that you will Update at least Van Helsing Gamebreaking Bugs. Two of them in 1 Week! ^^ Again, i support you but this needs to get fixed. I really digg the Story and especially the Funny Conversations between Helsing and katrina, but if i have to restart my Game again i go fuckin Nuts! or you refund me on all your Games!


I bought the Game on release shortly after, so dont gimme that ^^  What you mean MEME Virus?! 

You mean i have to play these boring Missions alone al the time because Coop is broken, i need to have Shards or what to get to Interesting Missions and good Loot? 

I made my Statement that i loved the Game, but not much has changed. Lots of people were tired of this Game long ago and left it aside and i still played it and got even DLC. 

You can give me all the Thumbs down you want, i dont Care. This Comment was earned! 

IF NOT, MARCO couls Argue with me otherwise, but he cant, becasue he knows its Broken! 

Only becasue you bring DLC INTO A BROKEN GAME doesnt mean its real SUPPORT! 

Youre a little fanboy and no more. Is this your first Game you play or what? 

This is a shitty habit and no more.  Got Van Helsing still, same crap. Bugs which are 8-9 Years old still exist that break the Game. Industrial Bug and Somoene left the Game from party, after you cannot Fast travel or use anything else. Not only for the Host, but for Party members aswell that stayed in the Game. 

Oh did i mention, one Guy is joinable out of everyone else ihn Van Helsing aswell? I met a Guy from gewrmany we tried over an Hour to join his or mine Game and other People, its not possible. Only one Buddy of mine was joinable, the rest IS NOT! 

BTW  do you even play Martyr on PS4?! if not shut the heck up before you talk. DLC only doesnt mean you support a Game "FULLY". Its partial support, its what we were owned nothin more! 

Again i see People online which werent Online for over a YEAR. You call that support?! You join a Group, and Shipdeck where you meet the Players is empty, but it shows youre in a Party?  Where are the Peopz, how long do i have to wait for them, are they even online? No, most of the cases they arent even Online. I know that becasue i wrote some Guys that were suposed to Host a group but werent! 

Youre a little Fanboy which has Clouded Arguments or are Lucky not to have these Issues. But maybe think about that first before you Post anything else, or at all! 

 Okay, nice. Still after all that Crap i still supported NEOCORE, and got Van Helsing, but same old shite, Gamebreaking Bugs. Didnt even bother to release the Final Cut onto Playstation, or getting rid of Bugs that makes you replay the Game with new Characters over and over and maybe, just maybe youre Lucky and in your new Playthrough you dont have another Gamebreaking Bug. Do these Guys even try there Games out? If Problems like this Exist, remove the Bloody Game from PSN Store or make goddamn Updates. Neocore has no problem taking the Money, buit if there is one, Ohh nooo your wrong we fixed this and that... Yeah right XD

3 years 310 days ago
Brother Kundari
I bought the Game on release shortly after, so dont gimme that ^^  What you mean MEME Virus?! 

You mean i have to play these boring Missions alone al the time because Coop is broken, i need to have Shards or what to get to Interesting Missions and good Loot? 

I made my Statement that i loved the Game, but not much has changed. Lots of people were tired of this Game long ago and left it aside and i still played it and got even DLC. 

You can give me all the Thumbs down you want, i dont Care. This Comment was earned! 

IF NOT, MARCO couls Argue with me otherwise, but he cant, becasue he knows its Broken! 

3 years 310 days ago
Only becasue you bring DLC INTO A BROKEN GAME doesnt mean its real SUPPORT! 

Youre a little fanboy and no more. Is this your first Game you play or what? 

This is a shitty habit and no more.  Got Van Helsing still, same crap. Bugs which are 8-9 Years old still exist that break the Game. Industrial Bug and Somoene left the Game from party, after you cannot Fast travel or use anything else. Not only for the Host, but for Party members aswell that stayed in the Game. 

Oh did i mention, one Guy is joinable out of everyone else ihn Van Helsing aswell? I met a Guy from gewrmany we tried over an Hour to join his or mine Game and other People, its not possible. Only one Buddy of mine was joinable, the rest IS NOT! 

BTW  do you even play Martyr on PS4?! if not shut the heck up before you talk. DLC only doesnt mean you support a Game "FULLY". Its partial support, its what we were owned nothin more! 

Again i see People online which werent Online for over a YEAR. You call that support?! You join a Group, and Shipdeck where you meet the Players is empty, but it shows youre in a Party?  Where are the Peopz, how long do i have to wait for them, are they even online? No, most of the cases they arent even Online. I know that becasue i wrote some Guys that were suposed to Host a group but werent! 

Youre a little Fanboy which has Clouded Arguments or are Lucky not to have these Issues. But maybe think about that first before you Post anything else, or at all! 

 Okay, nice. Still after all that Crap i still supported NEOCORE, and got Van Helsing, but same old shite, Gamebreaking Bugs. Didnt even bother to release the Final Cut onto Playstation, or getting rid of Bugs that makes you replay the Game with new Characters over and over and maybe, just maybe youre Lucky and in your new Playthrough you dont have another Gamebreaking Bug. Do these Guys even try there Games out? If Problems like this Exist, remove the Bloody Game from PSN Store or make goddamn Updates. Neocore has no problem taking the Money, buit if there is one, Ohh nooo your wrong we fixed this and that... Yeah right XD

3 years 320 days ago
You say Levelling from 80 till 100 takes years. Why are you even saying that? Do you have even the slightest idea of how hard and how long it took BEFORE they introduced these New Seasons with these items that now has Exp Gained %?

If you say it is hard this time and now to get from 80 to 100, you don´t know jack shit of what you are talking about.

3 years 321 days ago
Seems you didnt read the Post! 

Its not only about Performance, but Coop Gameplay is nigh impossible... ohh and the Grind, jeez, Levelling up from about 80 to hundred takes Years

People are Online that havent been for months or Years...

Hopw should i record that stuff... really now?!

Bringin DLC into PS4 doesnt mean you actually do support it in Terms of a proper Port!

3 years 330 days ago
If I assume correctly your main concern is the current performance on PS4 right? If not, could you please name all those problems you have trouble with in Inquisitor?

Although performance problems occurred, the majority of the problem got resolved. We haven't received mass reports about the problem since a long time ago. In case you have serious performance issues please record a footage about the problem, our console team would like to check on it.

What you say, that we abandoned the console version of Inquisitor and only the PC version gets our full attention is quite far from the truth. Actually, every little changes which got implemented into the PC version were released on console or is in a pending status, waiting for a patch to get released like the Season of the Warp Surge.

Please provide us more detailed information on the issues you briefly mentioned - disconnection of the party host, etc - and we will check on them all. Thanks in advance!