
Me and my friends have just bought the game to play together - there is 4 of us. The game is advertised as 4 people co-op. Yet it is impossible to play co-op. Please take a look into it and let us know what is going on. There are really many people writing about it on STEAM too. If I had know it's just a SINGLE PLAYER, I wouldn't have bought it. We can't even get to the lobby together, let alone load into misson all together. It's 2021, the game is almost 3 years old - come on - if nothing can be done about it... please behave like a man and admit that "sorry guys we can't make it work - will give you your money back"

Please help, we really like your game, but in this situation it is a pure scamm - sorry to say that.

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3 years 336 days ago

It has been 0 function on co-op for me and my friends since we all purchased the game. Been waiting a while. They have the whisper system fixed now but no party invite function at all.

3 years 337 days ago

First of all, thank you for your reply Marcopolocs.

- Which client do you usually launch? Martyr or Prophecy?
We launch the main client, not prophecy.

- Can you join to a friend who created a lobby in Recruitment?
Yes and no. We would rather say that the whole joining process is desynced. Sometimes some of us can be invited sometimes not. Different people at different times. When one of us is fed up with waiting and leaves that kinda makes the slot and the person who couldn't join miracolously takes that slot.

- Can you invite each other as friends?
We had problems with it. It was not simple click and add. We had to restart the game a few times to do it. For all of us to become friends it took us like 15 to 20 minutes.

- Could you launch a mission at least once and load it without any issue?
The very first CO-OP experience was with 3 of us. The 3rd guy could not join the other 2. So we started experimenting. After  tens of minutes and many game restarts it somehow worked. We were able to play without any issues for like 2-3 hours. But that was the last time. Maybe it is playable for some people from time to time I don't know. But it looks like there is a big network or server problem.

Is there any error message you get when trying this?
We've never got any error message. The person who can't join the rest has got the black screen, that's it.

I hope you can get it work, because I think that the game is really really nice. I see that even cabal perks in the game have got    CO-OP skills, so the game was designed not only to play solo :)

Keeping my fingers crossed for a solution!!

Let me know if there is anything else I can help with!

3 years 338 days ago
The missions can be played in Co-Op but a problem occurred with it so we are investigating the matter now.

Could you tell me more about the following:

- Which client do you usually launch? Martyr or Prophecy?
- Can you join to a friend who created a lobby in Recruitment?
- Can you invite each other as friends?
- Could you launch a mission at least once and load it without any issue?
- Is there any error message you get when trying this?

3 years 340 days ago
Same issue a few friends got this game wanting to play together. Can not whisper eachother or invite eachother to party. have searched forums and tried every fix that is available there is something wrong with the game or their servers they need to fix ASAP.
3 years 340 days ago
The game seems to be single player as you work through the first few missions.  Once you get to a certain point however the Coop station will appear next to the map table on the command deck of your ship.

Hope this helps.