Inquisitor - Martyr

New Console Release Date



We have a new release date for the console editions of Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - Martyr. The new date for PS4 and Xbox One is 

August 23, 2018.

First of all, sorry for not confirming this earlier, but this decision involves multiple parties and complex problems that needed to be sorted out first. The reasons for the delay are a bit easier to explain:

  • Finding a solution for access restrictions in certain countries where networks are subjected to stricter surveillance
  • More work on online functionalities in the persistent world, and general polish

We're working hard on making the game properly functional and polished on both consoles, in all countries. Thank you for your patience and understanding, and please know that we're really eager to see Inquisitor - Martyr becoming the multiplatform title it is meant to be. It takes work, but it will be worth it.

Chaos never sleeps, but still, you know... the Emperor protects. See you soon in the Caligari Sector!

This post was modified 6 years 223 days ago by Megapull
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Inquisitor - Martyr New Console Release Date
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6 years 201 days ago

And whether solved a problem with servers for Russia? Should we expect a release in Russia?

6 years 203 days ago
ye the pre order was taken down so hopefully be in game store on day of release fingers crossed.
6 years 203 days ago
They said it will be available on Thursday. There's no preorder available
6 years 203 days ago

when can I buy the game on the PlayStation store ?, because it does not appear in the PS4 store.

6 years 203 days ago
it will unlock to play on thursday 23rd 
6 years 203 days ago

Hello every1.

Just got my copy of Warhammer 40 000 Inquisitor Martyr on PS4 and seems like i can not connect to servers by any means. It just says:"Something went wrong while connecting to the Neocore Servers. Please try again later." Platform is PS4. Hope just the time is not right and servers are down. Still i saw people playing it on twitch. Waiting for Neocore to respond most of all. Thank You.

6 years 203 days ago
Posted by Morzan 6 years 203 days ago

It's still the 23rd of August. 

So does that mean i can get my pre-ordered copy from Game UK 23rd or 24th, as Game UK is still saying 24th 

This comment was edited 6 years 203 days ago by Boltonlad
6 years 203 days ago
thx for the reply Morzan, I noticed the release date on xbox has been updated to 23rd now coolaboolah cant wait :)
6 years 203 days ago

It's still the 23rd of August. 

6 years 204 days ago
Posted by Wozza55 6 years 206 days ago
Game uk still saying 24/8 so keeping fingers crossed 
Releases dot com are saying 23rd august. so no solid date yet.
6 years 204 days ago
Its Monday and still no date for xbox written in stone,so whats the craic with that? will it be in gamestore to buy thursday?

For the love of the emperor can a dev reply and stop letting us fans guess,because its like trying to find a fart in a gale force wind.

6 years 206 days ago
Game uk still saying 24/8 so keeping fingers crossed 
6 years 206 days ago
Posted by Virion90 6 years 206 days ago

It is listed for PS4 NA on the official blog.

This comment was edited 6 years 206 days ago by Hiero Glyph
6 years 206 days ago
6 years 208 days ago
Champion !
6 years 208 days ago
6 years 208 days ago
Posted by Morzan 6 years 251 days ago

As you guys know, we are working closely together with GW and BigBen (our console publisher). Regarding communication, we had to wait until they could confirm that GW had approved the release date. Until then we couldn't confirm anything. That's why we said that you should ask BigBen, because they've got the latest information about the console versions. 

But don't worry, the console versions are shaping up nicely, we will have a livestream soon where we can show it to you finally. We will also have a dev interview with the console team.

Have we had the Livestream yet... I've been away on Holls for a couple of weeks so may have missed it 
6 years 208 days ago
Posted by Virion90 6 years 209 days ago
If NC delays the game again we will know about on monday( aug 20), in 3 days before release. Customer disrespect tradition:)

Now that made me laugh 

6 years 208 days ago
Posted by Baux 6 years 209 days ago
Gamestop and Amazon both are listing release as the 28th of August or is this another, we apologize because reasons?
Game UK is still saying 24/08/18
6 years 209 days ago
If NC delays the game again we will know about on monday( aug 20), in 3 days before release. Customer disrespect tradition:)
6 years 209 days ago
Same as the Microsoft store, and Best Buy.
6 years 209 days ago
The release date on the Microsoft store is listed as 8/28/2018, same for a few others. There doesn't seem to be any consistency with a solid release date at all.
6 years 209 days ago
Ya and i dont see it on psn yet
6 years 209 days ago
Gamestop and Amazon both are listing release as the 28th of August or is this another, we apologize because reasons?
6 years 212 days ago
as this is now not up for pre order will it still be available on xbox game store on day of release or cd only?
6 years 233 days ago
Posted by Morzan 6 years 251 days ago

As you guys know, we are working closely together with GW and BigBen (our console publisher). Regarding communication, we had to wait until they could confirm that GW had approved the release date. Until then we couldn't confirm anything. That's why we said that you should ask BigBen, because they've got the latest information about the console versions. 

But don't worry, the console versions are shaping up nicely, we will have a livestream soon where we can show it to you finally. We will also have a dev interview with the console team.

4 weeks before release. Suppose now is soon enougth

This comment was edited 6 years 233 days ago by Virion90
6 years 247 days ago
So i see that console preorders can be done via this website but it doesnt apply to the US so just curious about why that is because i would kinda like the imperium edition stuff that i had to do some awesome cancelations for and contacting xbox for refunds after the date change and no other preorder to be allowed on the market or whatever the deal is with that i understand getting things to be marketed with other companys such as microsoft and sony can be a potential pain i would just greatly like to support this game and possibly help with getting others like thq to make space marine 2 im not sure where 40k rights lie nowadays but if it helps in future improvements or developments in possible sequels and such.
6 years 248 days ago

You can easily find PS4 Game play if you look.... 

6 years 249 days ago
Posted by uriel1884 6 years 253 days ago
We have already asked that on the first delay in May

Apparently they can't do it.

Probably a bit like they can't provide any kind of proof the game on console format actually exists, 

Videos of it running on PS4 can be found on YouTube. Quit acting like  a spoiled child who's parents never told them no. 
6 years 251 days ago
Posted by Morzan 6 years 251 days ago

As you guys know, we are working closely together with GW and BigBen (our console publisher). Regarding communication, we had to wait until they could confirm that GW had approved the release date. Until then we couldn't confirm anything. That's why we said that you should ask BigBen, because they've got the latest information about the console versions. 

But don't worry, the console versions are shaping up nicely, we will have a livestream soon where we can show it to you finally. We will also have a dev interview with the console team.

I couldn't get them to say anything let alone asking you guys about what sort of frame rate the game is gonna have on consoles.

Since you have to go through certifications to be approved for manufacturing discs you would have known things aren't finished. That's not days before the old date. A patch takes two weeks on psn through certification. Your team and bigben knew this and had plenty of time to tell us but chose to at 3 days before the expecting date.

Either way i wish you well even though i am not gonna be a  likely customer at this point.

6 years 251 days ago
Cool, that's more than we got from Focus for Deathwing.
6 years 251 days ago

As you guys know, we are working closely together with GW and BigBen (our console publisher). Regarding communication, we had to wait until they could confirm that GW had approved the release date. Until then we couldn't confirm anything. That's why we said that you should ask BigBen, because they've got the latest information about the console versions. 

But don't worry, the console versions are shaping up nicely, we will have a livestream soon where we can show it to you finally. We will also have a dev interview with the console team.

This comment was edited 6 years 251 days ago by Morzan
6 years 252 days ago
Jim Fox

Thanks for the reply. Its hard to work with restrictions of non-disclosure agreement, i know. Thats mean that any information about console versions(videos, screens, dedicated platform port features) is also in the hands of BigBen. Sad(

6 years 252 days ago
This makes me extremely sad, guess I'll cancel my preorder and get it on sale around new year. I mean, if You had issues with servers etc. You should release some heads up note, because it's a not a thing that randomly pops up like a pizza delivery - that You can't set up servers because reasons, they need to be put on, configured and tested, a day or two before release... ? really?  and how comes PC works without problems? since it was released all around the world? in countries that ban half of steam library ? 
6 years 252 days ago

As I know, bigben is the publisher and reliable for the console releases, press releases and other kind of communications first of all as you can see here and on facebook, etc., so if they was too late with this announcement, well if you ask me, yeah, that was not the best practice, but it's their own field.

Anyway, if you like to ask somebody from the Community Management team, just use the mention system (use @ and then directly the wanted nickname, it looks like this: @MORZAN‍ ) or write us through the "Support" system.

6 years 252 days ago
Posted by uriel1884 6 years 252 days ago

Ohhhh i'm sorry i thought free speech was a democratic right for all... I must be wrong.

This is a private forum and it can and will be censored as the owner sees appropriate.
6 years 252 days ago
Jim Fox
Well, this response is valid and understandable. Maybe you know something about why delay announced just in 3 days before release and not in 2 weeks ago. Thats one of biggest concerns for now;)
6 years 252 days ago

Your comment was deleted because advertisement is not allowed here and the other ones (which have been deleted) violated the rules too (TL;DR: ranting / flaming).

If you're not familiar with the Community Hub rules, you can read them here and if you have any questions, please use the "Neocore Messenger" (the "Support" option in the header menu):

This comment was edited 6 years 252 days ago by Jim Fox
6 years 252 days ago

The best way of treating potential playerbase - deleating their comments. Looks like there is a community manager who reads posts. Well, how silent he was last 2 weeks;)

P.S. You guys dont like Vermintide 2 or what

6 years 252 days ago

Wouldnt there be Red Dead 2 or Fallout 76, December could have been a appropriate month. But with such big Games the next time i will definitely prefer them over Inquisitor. Sad but true ^^

6 years 252 days ago
Is there going to be some sort of compensation for this new delay?
6 years 252 days ago

Hummm i know what you mean... 

Strange Brigade is out a few days after the 23rd, and that looks really good, then there is the New Tomb Raider, then Fallout76

Actually thinking about it... A December release slot would quite suite me

Tide me over till Anthem in February...

6 years 252 days ago

Just simply use @mention like this: @URIEL1884‍ if you would like to reply to more than one comment. :)

6 years 252 days ago
@JB1701... dont say that Morzan will disagree and delete your post....
6 years 252 days ago

Ohhhh i'm sorry i thought free speech was a democratic right for all... I must be wrong.

6 years 252 days ago
So, sadly no Warhammer 40k Inquisitor for me this Year. I was really looking forward to his one.  But now, after delaying it again, i dont see any way it will fit in my Gaming Timetable. It would have fitted perfectly this Month. July-August = Inquisitor Martyr, September = Spiderman, October = Red Dead 2 and maybe in November Fallout 76. As you can see, there is no Space left. Maybe next Year. If im still interested in playing this Game.
6 years 253 days ago
Please make these announcements with more warning! If you must delay a release, I'd rather know more than a few days before the last announcement... I just hope this is the final date! 
6 years 253 days ago

This is going the route of Space Hulk: Deathwing with never ending delays.  Now I am just waiting for the announcement that says it is not coming out on Xbox.     

6 years 253 days ago
i love how you could rush out this on console and make a quick buck and run but you are actually working to iron out the experience,  that said waiting still sucks but i can wait 
6 years 253 days ago
This comment was deleted 6 years 252 days ago by Morzan