

When trying to play Maelstrom of Carnage or City of Suffering I'm experiencing frequent crashes. The game itself crashes intermittently but not nearly as often. A dialog box comes up letting me know a crash report is being sent but i thought i would piggy back here as well. Maelstrom usually happens around the 6k score mark for me and city of suffering around the 9500 mark, not sure if thats an indicator. My settings that i've gone down to where crashing still happens is set to: 

Resolution: 4k windowed(borderless)

Character detail: 3

Shadow and Physics detail: 0

Texture detail: Low

Everything is unchecked except: Frame blending, No soft Coronas, Disabled Camera shake, and warp heat effects

Persistent Corpses: 0

One thing i've noticed as a constant thru my recent games is all the action and the "fog" not playing well together, not sure if thats a thing here. I was going to try to check by researching a way to turn the fog off but didnt find anything. I can usually tell when the game is about to crash because the game starts stuttering and everything go slow-motion. 

I think my system wouldn't have too much of a problem with at least these settings but to be sure i copied my dxdiag to pastebin for you to view:

pastebin link to my dxdiag:

If I can provide anything else let me know :)

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2 years 99 days ago
Has this issue been fixed?  I am running into a similar issue, but at around 4k points.
5 years 14 days ago

Thank you for your dxdiag but we could also reproduce these crashes and I can confirm that this is a common problem related to these specific missions not your setup.
The issues are on our to-do list so you can expect a fix in this regard in the future.
Sorry for the caused inconvenience.