xbox still shutting down after patch


my xbox is still shutting down while selecting a mission in the starmap even after applying the patch. i was about to select my 2nd mission since the update and my xbox shut down, i want to play the game but this is too ridiculous...

Serious questions but i doubt they will get answered,

 How come the season pass costs more on xbox one than it does on playstation 4?

 How come playstation 4 users can still buy the servo skull pet but xbox users cant?

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xbox still shutting down after patch
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6 years 148 days ago

we fixed several crash issues both on Xbox and PS4. Please download the latest patch, it should be better now!
Please make sure to send us a PM in case you encounter any new crash.

6 years 149 days ago
My game is crashing just about every 30 min or so. I can probably play one mission and then it crashes at the reward screen. I really like this game but all the game crashes are very frustrating. Please fix this. My Xbox gamer tag is Typhus131313
6 years 149 days ago
GT  Toxsik Avenger
6 years 150 days ago
Our Gamer Tags:

AZ Mayday



Thanks for your response/help and your role in a good game. 

6 years 150 days ago

Numerous crash fixes have happened on our side recently, the next (quite close) patch will bring these.
Please give me your Gamertags (yours and your friends'). I will compensate your loss.

6 years 150 days ago

Ok I was finally able to get some group party games going today and had a blast.  Then it turned to frustration rather quickly.

The Good

  -A random solo que in match making introduced me to a player who was actually using voice chat in game. We proceeded to party up and continue queuing up for co-op match making games with very short que times 1-2 min tops.  Probably the most fun I’ve had playing the game to date. 

The Bad

-After a few hours a friend of his also joined the party and we decided to do some Tarot missions.  Attempt #1 on starting a Tarot mission results in all 3 of us having our Xbox consoles shutting down (As in totally powering off to clarify). This shutdown happened on the loading progress bar screen after creating the Tarot mission.   Attempt #2 (After all three of us powered back up our consoles) we tried with a different party member trying to create the Tarot mission. The result was the same all of our consoles shut down.  

The Ugly

-We all lost 100-200 fate and 20 minutes of console reboot/login time.  

In closing I love the game and I’ve dealt with console issues like rebooting/shutdown for a few weeks now but this is a serious issue with this game. I hope a solution to console system shutdowns is on the “to do” list, hopefully at the top. 

6 years 154 days ago
My game crashes as well. A lot. It's actually gotten worse after being almost "fixed". If I would post or email you about every crash you would get about 4 messages a day.

PLEASE fix this. I'm getting tired of saying this but it is simply unacceptable for me. If I wouldn't like the core game so much (despite the many bugs and other problems) I would have demanded a refund weeks ago...

6 years 154 days ago

i see now that the servo is in the xbox store, they removed it from the new dlc lineup but kept the other ones there, i just assumed it was removed because i thought it was a preorder bonus. the crash happened right after the xbox patch was released and when i was finally able to log on in between 3am-4am. i live in minnesota

6 years 156 days ago
Could you please tell us an approximate time when this crash occurred? Date and hour?

The prizes on Xbox and PS are set by our console publisher, this is something they manage.
As we see the Servo Skull is available both for PS and Xbox players.

6 years 157 days ago
Same here. Sitting in star map and the xbox shut down. Was hoping this would have been fixed after the patch but apparently not....