Uther's Secret - Bug


Progress not possible at Prophecy: Gathering Storm, stage: Talk to the Magos Biologis.

PS4 - PSN ID: EvilHenry - Character ID: Skeleton Christ (Assassin) - Lvl 50  

Is it possible to progress or do I need to delete my character? The Magos pop-up did occur, but I cancelled it and now I’m stuck...

This post was edited 4 years 174 days ago by EvilHenry
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Uther's Secret - Bug
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4 years 172 days ago

Hi Marco

I think it may be ok ... the Magos still has the mark above her head and there is still an Uther’s Secret quest step, but there is also another quest step for Prophecy: Anathema Ultima and the Ordos agents are now available.

Thanks for taking a look. 

4 years 173 days ago
Thank you for the additional details!

The issue will likely take more time to handle due our initial checks did not reveal this problem. Your patience is kindly asked in the following period.

4 years 174 days ago
Hi Marco

Thanks for taking a look. It is only the assassin where I am having this issue (I have all four characters). I can’t progress without speaking to the Magos character, the progress step still says to speak with her and she has the big green flashing exclamation mark above her head. If I do, she won’t speak, she just shows inoculator config.


4 years 174 days ago
We checked on your account but could not found the problem. Can you tell us if you still cannot play the next story mission?