Transformation of damage types, how does it work?


There is a psalm code doctrine that can transform my damage into warp  damage.

My question is , is item enchants boosting other damage types still effective?

In other words, if the game only transform damage type at the last stage (after enchants boosting physical/heat are counted according to weapon skill used), then we don't need to change our enchants into warp boosting ones.

Or, if damage is transformed into warp type from the very start,  before enchants boosting physical/heat are counted, then we have to get warp-boosting-enchants.

Does anyone have an idea about that? Thanks !

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Transformation of damage types, how does it work?
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4 years 183 days ago
Thank you Borogove!That's very helpful.
4 years 183 days ago

There was a discussion a couple of weeks back:

Short answer, most stuff keys off what you converted to, and very little carries over from what you converted from.

4 years 183 days ago
Posted by Wolfilein 4 years 183 days ago

I have no idea. But i would love to know this too.

The order for damage calculations and conversions. We need this !!

Sadly ,questions regarding to game mechanisms seldom  get  official answers :(

What I only know for now is "damage increase" add with each other, then multiplies with vulnerability (So characters with efficient vulnerability can be much stronger than they look ).


I rethought about the damage conversion question though: since the Warp-conversion Psalm Doctrine brings  warp damage increase itself (and can be further combined with Warp-armor breaking doctrine), so likely THE CONVERSION HAPPEN AT EARLY STAGE.

In other words, we do need to use warp-boosting enchants if we intend to make use of this psalm doctrine.

4 years 183 days ago

I have no idea. But i would love to know this too.

The order for damage calculations and conversions. We need this !!