Suppression Skill Tree unintentionally "difficult" to unlock


Back in alpha, this skill tree used to be medium-hard to unlock,
and I know there are other grindy skill tree unlocks, like opening 100 chests does take a good while, too.

But the Supression Skill Tree would currently not unlock at all, if you were to just play the campaign 2-3 times and the go about random missions or tarot(!)

In fact, due to fixing stuff that was never broken (shrines, guardsmen spawn), it is now pretty much impossible to get a side mission at all, especially anywhere outside of the campaign, whereas it was reduced massively in the campaign as well.

According to my current estimations, it would take 4 and a half complete campaign play-throughs to unlock this skill tree,
which can be, seriously and by all means, not intentional.

It is quite obvious that this is a bug of sorts due to recent changes to the game, so please fix this.

On another note, if anyone knows a workaround, or at least something that helps unlocking that skill tree without playing through the campaign 4 and a half times, then by all means, please share this valuable information here! :-)

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Suppression Skill Tree unintentionally "difficult" to unlock
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6 years 260 days ago
Posted by t00much 6 years 260 days ago
It is absolutely idiotic that you need to grind for skill tree unlocks in the first place. Given you are still greatly restricted by skill points, and specifically Suppression is not even that strong, unless you have specific perks or gear, both coming much later in game.

That does not even touch on the disgusting laziness developers demonstrated with the tasks  - blowing up containers and opening crates is a HEROIC DEED? Get a grip....

Some of the achievements (that's what such things are called in general) really are dull on the first look,

but they serve their purpose.

What purpose is that?

Restricting some things to be only unlocked after doing more or less time intense playing, whereas the actual achievements are kind of dumb, yes, but they serve the purpose well by distributing the unlocks over a varied field of activities in the game.

Some numbers are simply off, for I can't imagine it is intended to gate something behind 50h gameplay and so on, but this game is far from being finished, so that's that.

Like, self flagellation, a very powerful perk for crusader and assassin, and maybe also for psyker (idk yet, has only recently been fixed for psyker) requires 5k fate, which requires basically to play through the whole campaign twice, which is a lengthy task but quite natural in this game as you may want to do that anyway due to seeing the story with both decision (puritan/radical) or simply leveling up more than 1 class.

On the other hand, using 250 innoculators or opening 100 chests ... well... as I said, they could  have made worse choices here.

Why I do complain about the suppression skill tree though?

Because it is actually broken, and requires far more effort and partially exploiting the mission spawn system or grinding the campaign 5 times, due to recent changes where the impact for this unlock was apparently not anticipated.

One more thing to note here that is actually important, is how this should play out in the actual gameplay and how it does not do that:
- default skill trees for sub classes are not diverse enough, especially not for psykers
- it may be a good idea to have more customization, and instead of having fixed default skill trees for sub classes, have a list of available skill trees from that you can chose a few, per sub class (knowing the game a bit) should not be limited in the selection of your first char because it's the only sub class that has a certain necessary skill tree that needs 20h play time or so to unlock

A similar issue that was fixed and broken again, is the psyker sub classes in general,
non-empyrians used to get bio lightning only at lvl 12 or so, and were partly unplayably weak with what they got at the start.
Now they are all valid (have not tested scryer a lot though), and you may note that all get bio lightning at the latest at lvl 5.
But the problem re-occured in another form by making buffs more use-able and the aetherwalker having thereby the only one relevant perk, which is not attainable at all by the other psykers, so you are basically forced to play aetherwalker, except you know you will go full warp heat build and stay with that forever.
(I only realized that at lvl 34 on my empyrian, but no biggie as I was going to play the campaign at least twice anyways.)

6 years 260 days ago
It is absolutely idiotic that you need to grind for skill tree unlocks in the first place. Given you are still greatly restricted by skill points, and specifically Suppression is not even that strong, unless you have specific perks or gear, both coming much later in game.

That does not even touch on the disgusting laziness developers demonstrated with the tasks  - blowing up containers and opening crates is a HEROIC DEED? Get a grip....

6 years 260 days ago
I did it! :D

Even though I took a few side missions from my 3rd and 4th campaign play through, being about half done with those 2 chars each.

Things to take from here, with a little addition of my experience:

- there are only a few planets that can spawn tropospheric maps, but they spawn regularily there
- you can accept and abort missions constantly at those planets to make those spawn that you're looking for
(though sometimes planets "run dry" on missions, no problem, there are at least 3 of those planets)
- the one tropospheric map mentioned here with a pic gives 1 side mission (guardsmen)
- there is another tropospheric map, a rather huge map in roughly recangular shape, that contains TWO SIDE MISSIONS (!)
one psyker/gate and one gurdsmen side mission
- other tropospheric maps do not seem to have any side mission, neither have I seen any other types of maps that have them,
so it's safe to say: skip all except these two maps
- if in doubt, make a pic of a tropospheric map for later reference, try it, and if it did not have a side mission, it will not have one ever
- it still takes a long time, but it probably is faster than doing the campaign to get side mission counts

Thanks for all the info shared here!
It did help. :-)

6 years 261 days ago
Can confirm I also found gurardsmen on that exact map.

Finding that map though is a pain, I looked through ALL sites in ALL systems three times and found ONE.

There is actually no point in "traversing" the "systems", what would I give for at least a list of all available missions to select from,
this whole design is so extremely pointless. -.-

I also sat on a certain planet that can spawn these and "re-rolled" the missions there for quite a while by accepting and exiting missions, and the chance to spawn tropospheric missions was surprisingly low, not to say that off these, the chance to get the right one is abysmal.

All in all extremely frustrating. -.-

Anyone knows when they are going to roll out a new patch?
I would have expected that long ago already, there are just so many things broken it's not even funny anymore.

6 years 261 days ago
I would hope this gets tweaked.
6 years 261 days ago
They appeared again on the same map, but for a purge mission this time.
6 years 261 days ago
Posted by Valsalva 6 years 261 days ago

Found another one, finally.  Again the guardsmen appered on the wy to the top right of this map.  For me, four out of four of the Black Legion hunts on these specific tropospheric maps.

I tried leaving the map and starting it again after saving the guardsmen, but unfortunately no bug there.

You probably mean fortunately no bug there ))
6 years 261 days ago

Found another one, finally.  Again the guardsmen appered on the wy to the top right of this map.  For me, four out of four of the Black Legion hunts on these specific tropospheric maps.

I tried leaving the map and starting it again after saving the guardsmen, but unfortunately no bug there.

6 years 262 days ago
Need to check if you make side mission (save guardsmen) than leave map and start again, if it counts or not :)

If yes so 25 relogs and its opened ))

6 years 262 days ago
Posted by Valsalva 6 years 262 days ago
I only found the guardsmen on ones where that key-hole piece is in the top right and it's a Hunt mission.  Maps where it was the starting location did not include the guardsmen.  Maybe it was coincidence that all three of that specific type that I found did include the guardsmen.  I'll screenshot the next one I find.

I think the relic chests that spawn creatures are supposed to be side-missions, would be nice if they were fixed.   Maybe if such fixes are currently low priority ones, then one of the devs can t least confirm which types of map will spawn guardsmen.

Yes, I also thought so about the relic chests.

And there is BY ALL MEANS NO REASON to remove tech shrines as side quest! -.-
There could still be a side quest to activate all 3... I mean... why not?

I remember finding guardsmen on tropospheric missions on 2 different spots, one was where you said, the other was near a rather big, central map  piece with 3 or 4 ways leading to and from it.

This is so sad, please fix! o.o

6 years 262 days ago
I only found the guardsmen on ones where that key-hole piece is in the top right and it's a Hunt mission.  Maps where it was the starting location did not include the guardsmen.  Maybe it was coincidence that all three of that specific type that I found did include the guardsmen.  I'll screenshot the next one I find.

I think the relic chests that spawn creatures are supposed to be side-missions, would be nice if they were fixed.   Maybe if such fixes are currently low priority ones, then one of the devs can t least confirm which types of map will spawn guardsmen.

6 years 262 days ago
Yeah, only "saving guardsmen" counts as a successful side quest, all the others (protect cargo, daemonic chests, etc.) count absolutely zilch. Pretty serious bug IMHO. I've unlocked every skill, most attributes and lots of perks but this one still bugs me, with only 6 missions marked as done after finishing the main campaign...
6 years 263 days ago
I clicked through all the missions in all systems,

which is a ridiculously tedious task, and perfectly shows how broken this whole "mission system" is,
and that you need to click on a mission to see the map-type, does not help either.

I did all tropospherical maps, which were only a handful in all systems combined, a few hunts, 2 exterminations and one with warp gates, several of them had this key-hole map piece but none had a guardsmen side mission. -.-

I do remember saving guardsmen on such a map, but I do not remember if that was back in alpha only.

Any help (or fixing this issue alltogether) would be highly appreciated!

6 years 263 days ago

I'll try to find those maps and test it myself.

6 years 263 days ago
 As far as I can tell, the side-missions are where a purple circle appears on a map, like the orange one to mark the target of a hunt.  Unfortuntely most of these side-missions do not work in that regard, the only exception tht I have found is when rescuing guardsmen.

 There are a number of Tropospherical maps for Hunt type missions, one of these has a sort of key-hole shape in the platform in the top right of the map.  Just before you get to this point, you'll see some green dots, of guardsmen tht need help.  Save them and you'll complete a side-mission.

 Unfortunately you can go a long time, searching every planet in every system for such a map.

 If anyone knows of other maps that work for this, do let us know.  Maybe the other side-quests will get fixed, eventually, so this skill tree is accessible to the more casual players.