Sooo many bugs....PS4


Acc: Fusrodah822

Character: Avitus.... stuck on Harbringers of Hate clues 0/9... there are no missions at Tempestus Citadel

Character: Backstabbeth.... stuck on Hunt fot the Martyr clues 3/6 when I save techpriest it teleports me back to the map and not to command bridge... can't do anything only rotate map... after a minute it finaly tp me to command bridge... techpriest is there but have no dialogue sequence and the mission is still there as unfinished so it goes on and on...

Character: Librarian.... stuck on Saving Caius Thorn clues 4/5 I found Magos Biologis on 2 locations.... she is at the command bridge but with no dialogue sequence and there are no missions after...

When I go to Merciful Agony for new missions there are no missions and the game crashes....

I just wonder if the game is unfinished... or badly scripted.... it looked so good but now it is the opposite....

Will somebody fix this or should i refund my money? 

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Sooo many bugs....PS4
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6 years 3 days ago

we made some changes on our backend yesterday, please check if the fixes resolved your progress problem. Further fixes are to be expected shortly! Our apologize for the inconvenience!

6 years 4 days ago
The game is totally broken from the start to the finish. If you haven't already found out - a disastrous hotfix update makes the game unplayable, so you are not able to proceed any further - be it mission one or seven or whatsoever.  We all hope this will be adressed tomorrow along with some compensation.

It should have been adressed yesterday, but the developers seem to playing around with something else instead of focussing on the task at hand: Repairing their game that cost us money.