Ragna van Wynter unresponsive


I was playing  through the different planets again after completing the campaign.and i was abput to play a campaign mission, which i though was strange but did it any way. but after i finished the mission!!! I'm at the part where we have taken the ship to the moon that doesn't appear on any maps etc. After I talk to Ragna van Wynter, nothing changes on the map and there is an exclamation point over her head and an x button prompt but when I push x nothing happens. This means no store access also. so i cant buy and sell!! which is very annoying. Any kind of help would be most helpful

Store Page
Ragna van Wynter unresponsive
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6 years 53 days ago

I see that the same bug is still active. I reported the same bug 6 weeks ago.

Really sad to see that it is still there.

Previous patch wasn't suppose to solve that ?

Just wondering ....

This comment was edited 6 years 53 days ago by KiLLyoX69
6 years 53 days ago
Same problem for me.

PSN-ID: Taphiriel

Character: Taphirius

6 years 61 days ago
Are you playing on PC? 

If yes could you please send a message to [email protected]?

6 years 63 days ago
starwarssrm-psn Thrud-character
6 years 64 days ago

Soo Ye having the same problem here just did the viper nest quest and got a dialog with Ragna and a messeage from the conclave saying i done good work and blabla but after i close that messeage i cant talk with her and she has a ! mark over the head! 

also sould say that the viper quest line was big soo did it 3-4 times befor compliting it!

PC Muminballe

Character - Muminballe

6 years 64 days ago

PC Muminballe

Character _Muminballe

6 years 65 days ago

please give me your PSN/Gamertag and the character's name which cannot proceed in the main story!