Psyker error?


Hi, ever since the 1.05 patch for PS4 the game crashes whenever I try to start a mission with my psyker? Anyone else having any issues?

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Psyker error?
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6 years 156 days ago

The other characters are working thanks, but when I try a campaign mission with psyker it crashes and when I try a normal mission it loads the lvl but then I can’t move and nothing responds..

6 years 155 days ago
Update : Psyker can do normal missions but crashes on story missions, stuck on vipers nest.
6 years 154 days ago
My bad, I misclicked! Thank you for the additional information! 
6 years 150 days ago
Any updates ? I want to do more of the story 
6 years 150 days ago
To get the crash fixed a patch has to be issued! We are working on the next one!
6 years 139 days ago
Not sure if this is a Psyker error or a storyline error.  It’s not Nest of Vipers.  I’m like lvl 9 and trying to finish the 3rd location mission in trying to find the Magos Biologis to repair the Space Marine.  I find her, finished the mission, but then ran into the same problem that others have mentioned... delay in teleporting out, seeing a loading screen, then being shown the same map level screen where I just teleported out of - no character visible, but I could pan the camera as if he was there, then another load screen until I finally made it back to the command deck of the ship.  I don’t believe any of the gear I found in the level made it back with me.  After that, there is no option to select the mission again, and the mission listing shows I still need to complete it.

PSN ID:  Ryokoosha_152

Character:  Prothius (I think)

Class:  Psyker


6 years 158 days ago

does this happen in every missions?
Did you try it with another character?
May I ask your PSN?