Ps4 bugs


PS4 - cant resurect allies in multiplayer since patch and it seems medical supplies chest dont add inucalutor charges sometimes.

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Ps4 bugs
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6 years 145 days ago
It should be out today or in the next couple of days (this depends on the certification process basically). 
6 years 145 days ago
I have been having a similar issue since the last patch. When playing online I start with 2 inoculator charges instead of my usual 3. I can’t pick any up either to fill the extra slot but I can pick them up when I have used one. 

I also had an issue in coop and solo where I could pick up inoculator charges but my counter would not refill. I managed to resolve this issue by changing the inoculator loadout. I was using a +400% damage boost but changed it to +200% which allowed me to pick up the charges from the crates again. 

I regularly play with 2 friends and we have all had exactly the same issues since the last patch  

My psn id is the same as my username here. 

6 years 145 days ago
Revive definitely does not work on PS4 but I see we have not had the latest patch yet which Xbox already has. Do you have an ETA for this patch?
6 years 146 days ago


It happened to me as well BUT only when one of the ability of the innoculator mentioned that the character will get +20% (for example) chances to get extra charge from medical supply chests.

On a map I found several medical supply chests and only the last one gave me an extra charge (I mean actually adding one charge to the innoculator charge count display).

When I used another innoculator not having this ability, I could recharge my innoculator normally.

This comment was edited 6 years 146 days ago by KiLLyoX69
6 years 147 days ago
Doesn't work for me.either. character name libra
6 years 147 days ago

are you sure the revive option does not work for you? This has been especially taken care of before the newest patch.
May I ask your PSN and the Character's name? We will try to reproduce the issue.
Also may I ask how many times did you experience that medical supplies do not fill your Inoculator?