Bug in mission (PS4)


It seems like I can't progress in the investigation called Through Fire and Flames, I am at 8/7 clues, and it keeps repeating the mission that I have to free the 3 prisoners. I have searched the whole map, but found nothing that can help me. Is it bugged or am I doing something wrong.

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Bug in mission (PS4)
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6 years 145 days ago
Psn name is : Skjeggape88

Character name is : Skjeggape88

Class : Crusader

Rank 36

6 years 145 days ago
May I ask your PSN/GAmertag and the Character's name which stuck?
6 years 146 days ago
Yup, it fixed itself after I completely restarted the game. Encountered a new  bug now, after replaying 2 campaign missions on a 920 powerlevel. I am now stuck in a conversation with the rogue trader,  and cant use her store anymore
6 years 151 days ago

May I ask did this happen the first time when you were doing the mission as well?

6 years 152 days ago
Strange. The prisoners should be in cages in some of the rooms.