I'm not able to log in to play with my character


Why Am I supposed to log in in order to play Van Helsing?! I have recently changed my password and now i'm not able to play with my main (only 1 existing) character because there is an error message that says network issues or my email or password is incorrect which isn't true.  I am really fed up with games requiring accounts and passwords and i won't buy any games that require password and account management going forward!

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I'm not able to log in to play with my character
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1 day ago
You can play both solo, and with friends via a peer to peer server setup, by hosting for each other, in the below described way :) 
2 days ago

So does that mean I can't play alone sometimes? When I do, there's not much to play with.

2 days ago

Hello there!

The 'Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing' doesn't support online play anymore since our server provider for the game shut down its operations. You can play multiplayer, though, by peer to peer connection with your friends, if one of you hosts a server for the rest to join. You can do this from the main menu, by going to the righter-most tab of the multiplayer menu.

If you are a returning player, and think you've lost your past characters with online gone, fret not! We have saved your past characters for you to download and play with. You can check out this article for more info on this:


Hope this answered your questions, and that you have a great day!