Death Augury Cutscene Bug


Hi there and sorry for the bad english :)

With Patch 1.3.1 was the recast bug for death augury on CC fixed and that works very well know.

but the same "old" bug have we on cutscenes and open an vox communication or cognitator. like on the thread from Sunlix here:

Here the results of my invetigation:

we start with the active Death Augury to see with the 28 warp heat before starting the cutscene:

The cutscene:

And after that we see the warp heat is going to zero but we have the active icon from death augury here:

And with that i running into the enemys and... we are dead.. no gained health, see here:

After that we recast Death Augury see here with 28 warp heat while active:

Having a vox Communication here:

And again The warp heat goes to zero but with an active death augury icon see here,

Running into enemys aaaand dead again:

Thanks Your Bolt Thrower :)

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Death Augury Cutscene Bug
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6 years 43 days ago
We fixed this issue as well on our end, the next patch will contain the changes!