bug report Xbox x|s


Hi, Xbox series s user here.. the game runs great- load screens are fast.. and generally speaking there's no problems- 

--Grant us forgiveness for crashes outside beyond our fault in HC Crusades!--0--0--

Sometimes the game crashes in the middle of a Hardcore Crusade and the said mission ends up being 'ghosted' when i reload the game.. is there a way you guys (the dev team) can grant us 'immunity' to glitch crashes on HC crusades?  it's very frustrating to put good work into priming a great HC crusade only for all of that work to be lost because the game crashes and it registers the mission as a 'fail' and boof! crusade is done.  Did I mention these glitch-crashes are not our fault? I can understand dying and losing a HC crusade- yeah that's my fault- but when the game crashes on a critical mission (like one that has the Encrypted Dataslate or a Supreme mission!) and that mission is no longer playable... ugh!! the frustration!  

As an aside:  WH40k Darktide is FANTASTIC when you get dropped out of a mission or kicked back to menu.. because if you can log back in fast enough (or if the team still hasn't completed the mission your spot is still open..) you can still complete the mission and not lose progress... I know Inquisitor doesn't operate that way, but it would be nice for us to be able to jump back in to a mission after getting crashed out to xbox menu or game menu... that way we won't have to scrap our HC crusades.. I mean.. all that hard work! shot to hell..  

Too bad there isn't some way to make some similar concessions for Inquisitor.   


Player Freezes in spot!!!!   -- This is new for me, has anyone else experienced this?? 

Here's what happened.. I was playing with my Psyker in a HC crusade, and my buddy and I were doing a Panic Room mission (Viridian Crusade) - We got the primaris and her guards.. and my Psyker got stuck - I mean I coudln't move, I couldn't use the buttons to shoot my wand or staff.. non of my spells worked.. however I could hit the start menu button- and open my INV screen.. Now this would not have been a problem were it not for the primaris girl not following my buddy!  Yeah she and her guards stayed with me and wouldn't teleport to my buddy who was still able to move around the map..   I'm sure you know what that meant.. yeah we couldn't complete the mission because i was stuck and the stupid VIP wouldn't switch who they were following..   Did I mention this was a HARD CORE crusade? mission failure = crusade failure.. but to no fault of our own!  

Yes, I unplugged my controller- as a troubleshoot.. didn't work.  I even tried to let my psyker die, but he was too powerful.. even the warp anomalies that spawned in died by the fire aura.. (LOL)  usually when the player's buttons freeze, 'dying' usually fixes it,  but this time i couldn't even die... So i did a Hard quit on the game and reloaded it- the mission was ghosted but at least it didn't say 'failed'  luckily we were able to finish the crusade with all 6 keys and 5 info-fragments- but just think if this error happened on a critical mission?  

isn't there some way to make the friendly NPC's in the mission change who they're following based on proximity to their teleporter?

This post was edited 85 days ago by Embershade
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bug report Xbox x|s
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84 days ago
Thanks for the response, I do love an active and responsive DevTeam! ;)  Trust me- I really appreciate that you guys are keeping this fabulous game going.. we can always use more action RPG Warhammer40k games that aren't turned based, I do like rogue trader and the other games of the wh40k franchise.. but i'm a big fan of action rpgs.. and this game is king! I can't wait for the Heirophant to get released on the consoles!   

my in-game account name is DarkArcon876

the affected character name is Percileus   [my op psyker using the shock wave build (not sure what it is officially called but it is extremely fun and devastating..  you gave them Death.. generously) ]

As for the freeze in place glitch.. I'm not sure what triggered it.. I kind of thought it had something to do with me spamming the shock wave blast with the fire aura and psalm doctrine fire aura going at the same time.. It happened right in the area of the map where you unlock the door that the VIP is staying in during that Panic Room mission in the Viridian Crusade.  I'm not sure if that was it or not.. Oh i just recalled.. The Warp anomaly that looks like targeted a satellite strike- the one that builds up the orange or red marker on the floor? yeah that one- it stuns the psyker and strips away his suppression bar completely.. Well when this glitch happened, that's what I thought it was at first.. the stun that came from that orbital strike--- however maybe getting hit with that in combination with me spamming the shockwave spell caused it?  I have no idea.  

I have so much OSM (On Screen Magic) going on with this build that I literally can't see some of these nasty warp anomalies happening, which is why I'm glad they have their own sound effect!.. but that's part and parcel for the life of a powerful psyker, oh yeah.. it's how we roll.. but they can be quite nasty if they hit you- so i always keep moving. 

As for teleport items, I don't think that would work because my action buttons were also not responding.  all i could do is use the camera controls and menu and map buttons.  If we had some kind of teleport consumable to click on - then yeah that may just work... however the only thing that has fixed this in the past was to let the character die by letting your buddy bring back a mob and have them kill you.- once you get revived then your controls would work again.  

There have been some other glitches, where the game just plain old crashes and aborts.. taking me back to xbox home page. other game crashes just take me back to the inquistor title page.  This is also frustrating for HC VC because it may ruin the crusade depending on what mission the game crashes on.  I suspect these sorts of crashes have more to do with neocoregames servers than the internet or my xbox.. - my buddy also experienced similar mid-mission crashes.  I am glad it ghosts out the mission instead of saying the crusade 'failed' for mission incompletion. .thank the emporer for that! 

84 days ago

I'm real sorry to hear about these HC VC crash issues. The very least I can do is compensate you for all the loot you're missing out on when this happens. Of course that isn't necessarily enough, but it's the most I can do for you the quickest. 

Please let me know what your 

  • in-game account name and
  • your affected character's name 

is, if this were to happen again, and I'll add some valuable lootbags and items to that characters inventory.

As for your second issue, that is a bug we've been trying to reproduce internally, but as of now were never able to. We're still chipping away at a solution to that. In the meanwhile, our more experienced players recommend using a teleport item for if this were to happen.

This comment was edited 84 days ago by oeregharcos