2.0 Item Salvage and Reroll bugs


Ancient Relics are NOT providing salvage materials as indicated.

Ancient Relic Salvage: Only getting 1 Spark of Glory instead of the indicated 3.

I have salvaged 3 Ancient Relics.  Each time the Salvageable Materials window indicated 3 Sparks of Glory, each at 100%.  According to this I should be getting 3 Sparks of Glory when I salvage the relic, but I have only ever received 1.

Relic Affix: Materials; Money and Reroll chances get spent but nothing changes.

Neither the affix itself or it's values can be rerolled.  All the costs/materials get spent but nothing changes.

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2.0 Item Salvage and Reroll bugs
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5 years 244 days ago

We will release a patch which will contain a reroll fix please check on it once out.
The mentioned salvage issue will get checked, thanks for the report!

This comment was edited 5 years 244 days ago by Marcopolocs
5 years 246 days ago
Confirm. Enchants on rare and artificer items sometimes cant be rerolled. As far as i observed it is not matter of item quality or encant number at the list. Just on one item you can change some enchant but cant do it on another. When push "reroll" on bugged enchant lightning animation on item works but money, resources and capacity are not spended.