1.5HP for every 10 Suppression Point Returned: Regneretive Bionics



I do not have the game yet, waiting for PS4. I'm trying to theory craft a few builds and would like to know if the following skills work/proc off each-other. 

Will Regenerative Bionics proc with Domination?

 Example: MAX Suppression 1000. ((10%  x 1000 ) /10 ) x 1.5)) = 15 HP.  So, if you have 1000 suppression you will get 15 HP back per enemy knocked down or stunned?

Will Regenerative Bionics proc with Area Denial?

Example: Kill 1 Mob via AOE ((1x100)/10)x1.5)) = 15 HP per enemy on AOE kill

Will Regenerative Bionics proc with Shock Stimulus?

Example: Deflect 10 Times ((10x5)/10)x1.5))= 7.5HP Returned per 10 Deflects

Will Regenerative Bionics proc with the Virtue Attribute Skill Vigor + Assault Jump?

Example: 30 Focus Spent & 1000 Max Suppression ((.05 x 1000)x30)/10)x1.5)) =225 HP returned per Armor Skill Use

Example Continued: 30 Focus Spent & 1000 Max HP ((.05x1000)x30) = 1500 HP returned per Armor Skill Use. So, If you have 1000 Suppression and 1000 HP Regenerative Bionics will add another 15% to your base VIGOR heal.

Please let me know if my math is wrong or If I misunderstood how a skill works. Thank You.

This post was edited 6 years 231 days ago by Arbormancer
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1.5HP for every 10 Suppression Point Returned: Regneretive Bionics
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6 years 231 days ago
Yes, that's correct.

It isnt worth combining anyway, the rate in which HP and/or Suppression is converted is so low, that you could spend those skills/affixes directly on HP/Suppression gain in some way or the other.

It's just a nice little thing to keep both up in a nice balance, because some enemies tend to do more hp and some suppression damage, like your own weapons.

6 years 231 days ago

Thanks for the reply. So if I understand you correctly. IF you are at 100% suppression you get 10 suppression returned you cant get over healed and therefore would not gain the 1.5 hp? I was hoping Regneretive Bionics would work with Augmented Body II, but sounds like it wont. 

6 years 231 days ago

Both Regenerative Bionics (1,5 HP for every 10 Suppression) and Pain Suppression (1 Suppression Point regain for every 10 HP healed) will work from any kind of heal/suppression regain.(On hit, on kill and even some of the special Skills you mentioned(properly a dozen more skills/enchantments that you didn't mentioned)

The only problem here is that you will just get something from HP and/or Suppression that you actually recovered, so if you are full Suppression you won't regain any HP from Regenerative Bionics, because you actually don't get "healed".

But generally i can say that both of them combined are a really good method of sustain. The whole Hit Point Tree they are in is awesome anyway(especially for the low/mid levels). I used the Hit Points Tree mainly on all my chars lowlevel and later when the build becomes more fleshed out i respecced out of it a bit.

And btw that pic you showed from the Assault Armor is wrong/outdated. The jump skill from the Armor costs 20 Focus.

The Emperor protects!

This comment was edited 6 years 231 days ago by HeavyMetalMan