New Early Access Patch Coming Tomorrow
Good news Knights,
We have a date for our next Early Access patch, which is… tomorrow, December 15!
As mentioned in the previous Kickstarter updates, this patch will include the first iteration of the optional PvP mode - unlocked thanks to you as a Kickstarter stretch goal - a slightly redesigned Camelot management, a rebalanced Act 1 and many, many additions, changes and fixes. Be sure to check the detailed patch notes tomorrow, but we'll link it here as well, once it is out.
We've also released the third installment of our dev diary series, this time focusing on what's beyond the main story campaign and the tale of Sir Mordred and King Arthur. This means PvP, the Endgame and a sneak peek at the Seasonal features. So a lot of great new footage! Gamespot has the trailer here.