Why so few bosses?


Been trying the warzone recently and hoped to meet a few bosses along the way, but to reach the Nemesis boss I have to finish 10 battles with increasing diffulty, so more and more grind just to reach a nemesis boss. It is ridiculous! With only 2-3 boss in campaign. C'mon!! I hope this get a good look at please.

And btw, is the Hunter of Hunters (5 bosses) trophy  bugged on PS4? I finished the main quest with 3 caracters and it still haven't unlocked!

PSN ID: Razzy33

This post was edited 6 years 113 days ago by Razmania
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Why so few bosses?
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6 years 110 days ago

I posted some tips in that post 


It might help you out ;)

6 years 113 days ago

I play on PC, in there the "Hunter of Hunters" Heroic Deed require the bosses to be at PR 1500+, i.e. at the moment, only the Nemesis Boss is counted towards it. I don't know if that is same for PS4 that you are on.