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- Why need an Inqusitor Money?
My next Feedback is about the Ingame-Money. I dont understand why the Inquisitor needs Money? They need a lot of Stuff, but Money? Thats not real lore-friendly.
I can understand, the the Ingameshop for Items needs a Ressource to be functional. But money is not the solution. I have no plan, what the Dev. can do, but they have to chance the Ressource.
For Excample (but i dont no where i read it): An Powerarmor of the Astartes cost more the 10 earth-workers earn in life! Its the Same problem other ARPG's have (including Diablo 3).
I hope the Dev. is reading this and reconsider this ;)
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I know its a Point of Balancing, but Eisenhorn didnt fight in the Front most time and dont ne thinks like an Powerarmor.
As for lore. Totally disagree that Inquisitors don't use or have no need for money. If you have read the Eisenhorn novels, you would know he uses money for all sorts of stuff...from paying his bar tab, all the way up to paying a ship captain for a ride to another system.
Beeing a member of such an organisation puts you above the law, your word is enough to issue an exterminatus, the death of a whole world. Arkos is right for questioning money, because the inquisition is in supply of the finest armory, weapons and tools mankind has at it´s disposal.
What would be a legal "currency" could be something like Supply Points... surely the Inquisition will not hand off their top notch equipment to a rookie inquisitor.
You have Fate, you have Glory...not so much other ways for "payment". And not every Inquisitor get all what they need without paying themselfes.
I think the credits are a good solution, you can set the prices higher, but at the end you craft your items, so it doesnt matter.
I have no problem with this system. We are totaly no names, lucky to serve but nameless and worthless and down the ladder, we need something from the good stuff...we pay. ^^
Sorry if my responses came across as defensive, just trying to think through some Lore-based angles on why the Devs have gone the way they have.
I Read a lot of WH40K Books (including the whole Heresy-Tail). But an Powerarmor is the most valuable thing, except relicts, an Inquisitor and Space Marine have.
Maybe Money is a good thing to simplify something, but the Prices should be much higher. I have with my new Character maybe 5 hours gameplay and over 100000 Credits and dont now how to spend them. They seems useless.
I Read a lot of WH40K Books (including the whole Heresy-Tail). But an Powerarmor is the most valuable thing, except relicts, an Inquisitor and Space Marine have.
Maybe Money is a good thing to simplify something, but the Prices should be much higher. I have with my new Character maybe 5 hours gameplay and over 100000 Credits and dont now how to spend them. They seems useless.
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