Why does it have to be such a struggle to play this game?


My assassin is lvl 43.  Her power level is 1200.

Things I would like to do:

- I would like to raise her power level but the drops I am getting in regular missions are incredibly rarely helping me up my power level.

- I would like to raise her level but I have to work real hard at finding missions I can do t the right power level to give me a decent reward.

- I would like to max my factions but I can't find missions in the zones where I need to raise my faction that are not grey to me.  Or, sometimes I find one or two and when I am done with those missions there is nothing more.

- I would like to do more Tarot missions but to do that I need to farm fate and it takes a serious number of missions to earn that fate.  

- I would like more relics but unless I am doing tarot missions I may see a single relic ever other day and the ones I get are not something my character can use.

Things I could do to bypass some of these issues:

- Create a new character and farm fate by running that toon through the campaign.  This is ridiculous - no other game forces me to do something like this and if one ever has it has not lasted long enough for me to actually remember it.

- Do grey missions in a sector to, hopefully, allow for a yellow or red mission to show up in that sector so I can get faction.  Again, ridiculous.

- Do co-op missions - yes, doable and I have to admit I don't know if they give me faction towards the sector I want, and i avoid co-op because I cannot simply pause the game and afk.

- Do investigations - again, these take me to sectors where they want me to go and not necessarily where I need faction.

- Do warfront missions - the drops in these missions appear to be garbage - they are repetitive to an extreme and the experience I gain is poor - yes I unlock abilities as I level that bar but they are restricted to warfront usage - not really sold on this...

Finally I want to add one more thing.  I am not looking to play Diablo 3, and I am fine with the gameplay and combat differences between this game and Diablo 3, but there is one thing that Diablo 3 has that this game is lacking : ease of gameplay.  I don't have any of the above issues with Diablo 3.  I don't have to battle the system just to get to run missions that are advancing my character in some way and are fun to play.  Inquisitor Martyr puts all these obstacles in front of me that I have to struggle with just to play the game.  It should be noted that I must really like this game to be willing to deal with all this nonsense just to play, but the problem is that it is slowly wearing me out...

Please do something to fix this.

If anyone wants to educate me on some things i may not have understood or some nuance that I was not aware of that would remedy some of these issues in the game for me now I would be very appreciative.

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Why does it have to be such a struggle to play this game?
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6 years 245 days ago
Posted by Wreckoning 6 years 246 days ago

"I REALLY think they should implement a system that allows better selection of difficulty and missions. It would give players a lot more variety of gameplay, and maybe even help satisfy those who aren't thrilled about the warzones. "

This would be a great start.

This is both simple and correct, and should have been in place since the beginning.

But then there would be no "progression" between "star systems" which are just a random list of random missions within a certain PR range.

So the unavailability of fitting missions (or inability of chosing them freely) is a symptom of a coverup to sell a few unrelated static screens as "star systems".

Yea, I am drifting away here, there's a lot to do with this game, but giving players the mission difficulty they want at any time instead of preventing this intentionally for no reason would be a good start to make the game more play-able from the beginning.

6 years 245 days ago
Actually I have assassin 50 at 1505 PR, full relics.

Was pain and long but hey... are you expecting to get high end gear freely ?
To lvl up there is only 1 way : Tarrot Mission with bonus earned from glory or merchant boost.
Got me about 3 or 4 tarrot missions each time to gain 1 lvl from 40 to 50.
If you have double xp well... that's insane...
but do it on impossible level with friends ofc. Takes time but works perfectly.
Actually I was highly impressed by the drop rate of relics in warzone. I got nearly all stuff for assassin in the warzone lvl 2-3.
I spent time looting relics to increase my PR with fusion.
I was stuck like you around 1200 PR, but doing warzone and farming Tarrot Missions only when I loot xp bonus or loot bonus item is what got me to 1500+ PR and full relics.
Fate points, dont use them until you have a bonus. I got many bonus item from previous world event, I spent them all and god... got nearly full stuff before I finished them.
Survey what the merchant has in store, sometimes you may find them, save them for the good times.

I agree, when you don't have all these, it turns out to be korean farming game... but hey... that's basically a H'n'S game... so... never heard someone comparing Diablo to a korean farming game.

Lvling other classes may help to.
At first I was salvaging the old relics, but now I save them to improves the ones I keep for gearing up.

The only thing that is boring me in this game is crafting : seems a lot useless. The ressources to craft good gear take a lot of time to get, and the results ain't worthy.

Give a try to warzone,  farm it, you'll see that you'll end up looting much more relics than you need... the drop rate is insane for high end gear ! some times you'll get a 2 or 3 relics in the reward chest at the end of the mission !

6 years 245 days ago

Fate system is cancer. The most interesting part of the games random generator (crafting your own missions with risk-reward difficulty management) is locked behind korean-mmo type grind. Maybe selling fate via microtransactions would be the answer(no)

6 years 246 days ago
Well, Mighty Snakefist presumes, you're around Nereus/Laceum system (those two often overlap in PL). If you find, for example, a mission PL1000, you may remove some equipment you don't absolutely need (2nd pair of signum, eye-implant etc) until your PL is about 850-900 (might do it with much more decreasing) - the mission will become green/yellow - mind that this is not immediately visible on screen, you'll have to exit system on map, and then return. Mission should give correct numbers now.

Before you do fusion with Relics, do a few Tarots with weapons as reward - typically 1 weapon upgrades Signum completely, while it takes 5 Signums (or 1 weapon) to upgrade weapon. 

While this might not *the* most satisfying playstyle, it works.

6 years 246 days ago

"I REALLY think they should implement a system that allows better selection of difficulty and missions. It would give players a lot more variety of gameplay, and maybe even help satisfy those who aren't thrilled about the warzones. "

This would be a great start.

6 years 246 days ago

In agree with some Points and understand how you feel about it. 

The main-problem of the Game is the lack of content. Its so sad, because from the former Game of Neocore (Van Helsing) i know, they can create cool Bossfights, cool locations, cool NPCs,... etc. But they use this skills not enough for Warhammer. Instead of content they put all these strange mechanics into the game. 

In the end, it feels like the game is fighting against you and because the lack of variations (Bossfights, Monsters, Locations, Maps, missiontypes, etc.) after a short time it feels very repetitive. 

The concept of the Warzones shows the problem in a brutal way… Same thing: Concept cool, content: Recycled, no variations, boring. For example: At the Ende of the stage you expect something great. Epic Bossfight, epic loot, but... nothing… just the next stage with the same monsters, maps, etc.   

I am still with the game, because the core-gameplay and the look are fantastic. Love it!

And because, i hope, they will add content.

And because i like to support small companys. :-)

6 years 247 days ago
I sort of agree with this. I haven't reached the warzones yet, but I find it difficult to find missions appropriate to my skill level: I usually look for yellow ones, and currently they're few and far between. Even the priority missions that are generated by the astropath are: A.) limited in number until a certain amount of time passes and B.) set in difficulty. 

One complaint I have with D3 is that it relegates you to wasting time doing "speed runs," which is basically a polite way of saying "wasting time with too-easy content in order to access challenging content." I was hoping that, with this game, I'd be able to skip around the galaxy, freely choosing from a variety of different missions, all at a level that presented appropriate challenge, but am not finding this.
I REALLY think they should implement a system that allows better selection of difficulty and missions. It would give players a lot more variety of gameplay, and maybe even help satisfy those who aren't thrilled about the warzones.