This is a post of confusion rather than gloating


Im happy that it popped up but, i got it on my second mission in the tutorial

"There is an Ultra-Rare Portrait Frame - the Circlet of Vainglory. This has an 1 in 1000 chance to drop from Champion or stronger enemies, so only the luckiest Inquisitors have a chance to acquire this reward."

EDIT, What i forgot to add, is the chance accurate or bugged, and if it is accurate i guess i got extremely lucky

This post was edited 2 years 61 days ago by Freakyman403
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This is a post of confusion rather than gloating
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1 year 222 days ago

In any event, being fortunate enough to get a rare item like the Circlet of Vainglory early on can enhance your play enjoyment. Enjoy your success and have a blast playing the game more!

2 years 21 days ago
This comment was deleted 2 years 20 days ago by Marcopolocs
2 years 56 days ago
It's very common, looks like most people got one before level 10 or so. Seeing the season's leaderboards, this is conclusive proof that Neocore in their infinite wisdom and skill have swapped the avatar frame RNG with the seasonal bosses RNG.
2 years 57 days ago
This comment was deleted 2 years 20 days ago by Marcopolocs
2 years 61 days ago

I guess its somehow bugged (in a good way), because almost everyone I know is getting them fast.

Meanwhile the key for season chest (the golden one) seems to drop scarcely. 

I played for a while last night, 5 missions I guess, killed 6~8 season enemies "Harbinger",  have this "Ultrarare frame" but no key for season chest

This comment was edited 2 years 61 days ago by Distemper
2 years 61 days ago
I was reading about this Ultra Rare Frame. Oh, yes. This is so cool. Hope I´m one of those lucky getting that one. So reading once more, and got to read it was 1/1000 Chance of getting one. Which is pretty much Greek to me in Error Data language (Lol), but it was this ULTRA-RARE that hit me. Yes, awesome. ULTRA RARE. Hope I get one. Start playing and around 1 and a half hour or so later, a Window suddenly pops up and Voila, I got the ULTRA-RARE Frame, and I was like Yayy. I got it. So nice... And then about a Minute laters or so... I was actually starting to think, Hhmmm, nice but was this not supposed to be like ULTRA-RARE and extremely hard to get hold of? And here I am, hardly even started the new Season, 20-21 Levels in and already having this ULTRA-RARE item.

Now I´m seriously starting to wonder about this Ultra-Rare Item. Am I seriously just extremely lucky to get it this early, or have I encountered a major bug here?!

Because when this now is actually starting to sink in, and when one thinks of ULTRA-RARE In-game Items being acquired then that is items people write about in Foruns for a LONG time. It is supposed to be like an item you worked hard for, and when you read the Forum, it is - I played this Season for almost 200 Hrs and still no luck, hope I find it. Next 37 Comments is like no luck yet, hope to get it. And then boom in comes the 38th Comment and Yayyyy, I played this Season now for almost 3 Months, 5-8 Hrs 4-5 days a week, damn I´m so happy, finally I am having it.

And this is quite the norm, page up and page down with people having luck of finding it, but very rarely it happens, WAY more comments about those who still hoping to get it.

So, yeah, I´m starting to wonder about this Ultra-Rare norm here, was and is this really that UltraRare? Because when I think of Ultra-Rare in-game items, I was imagining me playing the Season for 2-3 Months, having at least 2 Characters and both Level 100, played and struggled for HOURS!! and STILL likely not happened to get hold of this Ultra-Rare Item, which is ONLY available to get in this very one of a kind Season.

Now I am sitting here, so far only around 5 hrs into the Season, and... Ultra-Rare??!?! I´m not sure what to think, really. Can someone tell me, please? What happened? Because now I´m actually just confused.

2 years 61 days ago
What i forgot to add, is the chance accurate or bugged, and if it is accurate i guess i got extremely lucky