The Crusader class is just a placeholder?


Before I begin I have only had about 25-30 solid game hours in the new release, so this is mild concern which might develope into a epideitisc opera of my lament.

BUT, The Assassin-class is unique and well thought-out. Even more so for the "youngest" class, psyker. And let me just say that those classes have pretty much blown my expectations out of the water. So good job Neocore.

Yet, there are... in theory... three classes in this game. I could now go on a pointless rant and point at all the different things the other classes have, and crusader does not; that would be to miss the point completly. I want the other two classes to be unique and "their own". Thats why is feels like a bummer when the Crusaders uniqness is " you are not unique in any way".

I really hope I am just looking the fool here when NeoCore, midway through the game, has an epic cut-scene where the crusader is so bad-ass he is using Vortex-missiles for darts. But please NeoCore, I'm not saying you have to make the class top of the food-chain. Hell you can still make it the worst class by a mile as long as it feels like a crusader and some traits it can actually call its own.


Vlricus von Kronstadt

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The Crusader class is just a placeholder?
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6 years 259 days ago
I have little experience with psyker and assassin, so I won't be focusing much on them. But I too have monominded my Crusaders from day one. Not because they are good, but because they are cool. I have no problem making a more then usable "Killfuck Soulshitter" character on paper, and the numbers slap the demons into the Eye of Terror. My complaint isn't that hes weak, its that he is... uninteresting. And I would much rather play the worst character which was interesing, then a powerhouse which is as thougth-provoking as gravle.


Vlricus von Kronstadt

6 years 259 days ago
Assa = OP

Psyker = Broken

Crusader = mostly balanced with some sick build oppertunitys

First things first. Psyker should never be used to be compared with anything else. Dmg stacking without end, 24/7 crit, tanky like a crusader. We realy don't need to talk about that class untill Neocore finaly fixes it but as the said in the AMA Psyker is how it should be and there are better Assa and Sader skillbuilds... made me laugh!

Assa feels to good. I can't put my finger on it but I never had a high risk had reward feeling. Wit h a dodge centric class that don't need to dodge because it kills everything in seconds i feel somehow unhappy.

Crusader does what he was designed for. Have some tank, have some dmg. The Weapon balancing is still crap but outside of this I thin it's the only working as intended class what makes him comparably weak in some stages of the game. However the later the game and the better the gear the better will the crusader be.

cust my thoughts while drinking the first coffee of today *yawns*

6 years 259 days ago
< shrug > Crusaders' been my go-to from day 1 of Alpha and E/A, fully kitted I can plug up a kill channel and stay standing long enough to bring down dozens of higher PL targets eventually, or keep things calm for my co-op partners to burn the heresy out of them from range. If tankins' not on the "feel like it list" I can break out the Heavy Bolter and use it in a similar fashion for some serious crowd control. While I would like to see a bit more customization in regards to the UI like the Psyker has, I feel the class has a well-defined role.