Tech priest movement bug


Tried playing a tech priest with controller, and whenever you try to summon a construct while an enemy is in auto target range it forces you to walk towards the enemy before activating the summon skill. This makes tech priest almost unplayable with controller.

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Tech priest movement bug
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4 years 42 days ago
Posted by Marcopolocs 4 years 49 days ago

An update on the issue: we could resolve it the way we discussed previously so the selector will appear only for the two turrets!:)
We will implement the changes with the next update!

This is awesome!

Just shows that feedback  works! 

Thx alot! :) 

And see you an my next request

4 years 49 days ago

An update on the issue: we could resolve it the way we discussed previously so the selector will appear only for the two turrets!:)
We will implement the changes with the next update!

4 years 49 days ago
Posted by Marcopolocs 4 years 53 days ago
I cannot guarantee if we can separate them from the rest but I will discuss the issue with our console team!
Thx :)

Best wishes! :) 

4 years 53 days ago
I cannot guarantee if we can separate them from the rest but I will discuss the issue with our console team!
4 years 62 days ago
Posted by TropicalMirage 4 years 64 days ago

I can say that the first 15 minutes I was also uncomfortable, but I quickly got used to it, I speak only for myself)

This is In some situations a big frustrating handycap.

And getting used to this.... Mähh... XD

4 years 62 days ago
This is In some situations  a big handycap.

4 years 62 days ago

Is it heresy to ask if it's possible to separate the target function of such spells? 

Even if I hold the The button and choose target:

Rnd walk through the map 


By Spiders which  r spawning on my side no matter what. 

Sometimes I have to walk way out of range to summon them.

And than all that other stuff that not working right xD

Thx vor listening anyway! 


4 years 64 days ago

I can say that the first 15 minutes I was also uncomfortable, but I quickly got used to it, I speak only for myself)

4 years 64 days ago
You have a point there but there are also other constructs like the Tarantula Boltgun and the Voltagheist Turret which were the primary reason that we chose to implement this feature. Dropping the turret/tarantula onto the head of the character wouldn't be that useful as for example holding a defense line in a mission should require the character to move to a given position where they want to utilize their skill.
4 years 79 days ago
I have the same issues.

The auto target function should be off for the summoning spells.  There is no need for it while spamming exploding spiders for example. Need it just in time and not after a few seconds while running directly into an enemy. 

And the constructs are summoning by me any way instead of by the auto-target enemy. Makes no sense at all I my opinion. 

Greetings from Germany! 

Rly like your game!

4 years 80 days ago
If you press the button once the selector will automatically lock onto an enemy within target range but if you press and hold the button you will be able to move the selector to the point where you want to summon your Constructs.