Tech Adept Ancient Relics Issue


It seems that damage and kills by constructs doesn't get counted towards unlocking ancient relics for the tech adept which is going to make them very hard work if even possible at all.

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Tech Adept Ancient Relics Issue
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5 years 200 days ago
We balanced the minions recently and the next patch will implement these changes. Naturally upon increased feedback we will further balance the class!
5 years 200 days ago
yep all things what need kills any monsters(ancient items,challenges,etc) when kill it construct not progress and when i play as tech adept with 100% spec to construct i havent any chance kill villain bosses my self or commanders this is work for my constructs and my construct is my weapon this need repair.

many others things with construct need repairs BAD AI activation range for meele i have all skill to boost and construct stil stay close at me and nothing. reserved data with % very bad u can have 2 kastelan for 100% from 100data or 2 kastelan for 100% from 200 data and nothing no better dmg or HP ...

5 years 200 days ago
How about kills with critical hits? Constructs can't deal criticals?
5 years 201 days ago
We fixed this issue, kills by constructs will count after the next patch!
5 years 201 days ago
Anything that needs kill counts or "on kill effects" doesnt work with construct kills. Weapon traits on kill like "X% data flux reduction on kill", challenges "kill 10 elites, or kill 200 units", energy shield on kill, etc. I think that its a bug or a very very bad design, because in tech adept 99% of kills are made by them, and not by your underpowered weapon