Tarot Mission rewards = frustratingly imbalanced


If i run a "hunt" style tarot mission with +1 minor relic card and "extra luck" relic buff, i get 4-9 relics per run. Now my bank is full of specific relics, namely: ranged, heavy, signum, belts. Yet i have not seen a single armor drop from a hunt, not even a none relic one.

So i did the tarot mission that has increased armor drops, so what i got with the same setup was 1 relic from the minor card, which was not a armor. I got like 3 purple armor's via map drops, so the mission is indeed tweaked towards them.

So now the game is basically telling me to screw myself, since i can either get 4-9 relics with a zero or low chance to get a armor or i can run the armor tarot and hope that i get a relic after a few runs, that is of the type i want and has the mod i want.

This makes running anything else than "hunt" having extremely high opportunity costs and feels like wasting precious tarot buffs and fate.

Here are some possible solution's:

1) Try equalize the outcome, via adapting yellow/red boss spawns, map chests, reward screen chest drop chances or add extra inventory chests similar to UC for missions that are outliers compared to "hunt".

2) Remove the item type modifier from the missions and make this either a buff or drop-down menu similar to "difficulty". Why would you lock in specific rewards to arbitrary missions? This just limits the possible choice of players and incentivize running the same mission over and over for a specific build. This is just bad game design, in a already repetitive and grindy game.

extra) The tarot system should be reworked to something more dynamic, with the goal to incentivize running all mission types with extra modifiers. Just sit down and replay PoE, you clearly did this, but you missed how the map/atlas works and incentivizes mission and difficulty diversity.

This post was edited 6 years 247 days ago by andy22
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Tarot Mission rewards = frustratingly imbalanced
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