Tarot card QOL recommendation


When right clicking on our tarot cards, could you guys add the option to level more than one at a time? Perhaps a +shift/control mechanic that would level a bunch at a time (similar to D3's paragon points mechanic). Also, currently, when I do right click, say, a hundred cards (one stack), I see the "+1 to X" for a looong time.

This post was edited 4 years 229 days ago by treecargarage
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Tarot card QOL recommendation
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4 years 225 days ago

I would add one more QoL suggestion for tarot cards: add the option to re-use a preset combination (or to load the last used combination).

I often run the same tarot combination when levelling up a character (usually +xp, +intel and a random 3rd). A 1-click way to activate them all for a mission would help!

4 years 225 days ago
Would be a nice QoL addition, we will take it into consideration!:)