Targeting on Xbox One Feeback


I would like the targeting on Xbox to lock onto the closest enemy to my character, it is soooooooo annoying when there is a chaos marine beating me in the face with a mace and I turn to shoot at him and it locks onto the guy 30ft away in the next room. This is especially annoying when Nurgles are chasing me and it targets the guys further away that are not even aggroed by me yet and they get alerted and makes it hard to get rid of them when there are multiple enemy types around. Also and most irritating, when I am using "shoot and retreat" on a melee enemy IN MY FACE it locks onto the guy miles back not even shooting at me so I cant retreat and get hit. And even worst because the enemy it locks to is so far away to make my character start moving towards the melee enemy to get in range to the guy further back running the opposite way i want to be moving with no control over it. I would really appreciate it if the targeting could consistently ONLY lock to the VERY closest enemy to my character. Whether that be default or give me a choice on different targeting preferences where I can pick to have targeting set to the closest enemy first etc.

Hope someone sees this and takes it into account thanks for your time. (Love the game btw)

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Targeting on Xbox One Feeback
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6 years 177 days ago
Fun game, terrible targetting. Theres also way too many instances of the chatacter not interacting with what you want him to in favor of a chest or something in the distance. Also makes shooting from cover with toggle selected pretty much useless. Even when using the hold for cover option it still suffers from the janky targetting system. It'd be really nice to have a fix for this.