

I've been playing a long time and been meaning to ask if anyone knows what the red psalm-code "reduce the damage soft cap by 1" does?

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4 years 253 days ago
They usually change in the character sheet if you pause and go to character sheet when in the situation. When i had speed and damage reduction for 2 seconds on hit taken if i was fast enough i could see them added in stats.
4 years 254 days ago
Yeah thanks! I did not know they could be specifically combined to create like a very enhanced reaction. I mostly just use shards. That 100% heat damage psalm doctrine looks good.
4 years 255 days ago
Posted by Vagitarian 4 years 256 days ago
So it sounds like it really doesn't do much then? Kind of a waste of a psalm? Maybe just sell them all.

Better keep them and  "build" some pslam-code-doctrines. They are way stronger AND you get the effects of the used psalm-codes too.

There is a section about psalm-codes and psalm-code-doctrines in the compendium: 

4 years 256 days ago
So it sounds like it really doesn't do much then? Kind of a waste of a psalm? Maybe just sell them all.
4 years 256 days ago
Hi there. So damage reduction has a "soft cap" of 60%. This means that static effects from gear (+DR, +DR vs. X) can only reach up to 60%. The psalm code you're talking about raises that soft cap by 1%.

There are also buffs and state-based stats which provide DR (e.g., DR when surrounded). These can raise your DR stat above the soft cap, up to the "hard cap" of 80%.

This applies similarly to the resist cap and crit cap.

Basically, if the stat would apply if you're just hanging out on the bridge, it's affected by the soft-cap. If it depends on you being in combat with enemies (taking hits or using skills, for instance), then it can go above that.

Or at least, this my understanding as far as we have tested it.

4 years 256 days ago
Posted by Alavaria 4 years 256 days ago

Also things like "Damage reduction (Ranged)" or "Damage reduction when Surrounded", not sure if these are soft-capped or hard-capped, since they don't show up anywhere on the character sheet.

If Neocore doesn't add this information in the seasons update, then I will be shaking my head in disbelief.

Should have been in the game FROM THE START!

4 years 256 days ago

Also things like "Damage reduction (Ranged)" or "Damage reduction when Surrounded", not sure if these are soft-capped or hard-capped, since they don't show up anywhere on the character sheet.

4 years 256 days ago
Good question. There is no Wiki or something related with updated information about the game.