Skill and Skins


Hello guys!

I found a couple of bugs that I would like to report!

Evasive Bionicks skill works strangely, the description says it gives protection when moving, but in fact it does not give any protection.
To activate it, the assassin needs to make a dodge move, and the crusader needs to teleport at all.

Another bug that upsets me the most is the normal lack of skins for armor. At first I thought there weren't any at all, but then after examining the mastercrafted/rere armor I found out that only high level relic /holy/demon armor has no skins.

It looks like the high-level armor skins don't roll at all. However, the case with weapons is exactly the same.


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Skill and Skins
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3 years 152 days ago

As we checked on the Evasive Bionics it works perfectly. You may haven't checked its description fully: it gets activated when using a Movement skill. 

This comment was edited 3 years 152 days ago by Marcopolocs
3 years 169 days ago

I approve this post! 

I to would like more skin variety, or access to the lower tier skins on my archeotech/ancient relics. Some of those mastercrafted/common skins are amazing.

This comment was edited 3 years 169 days ago by Rayata