Shard Crafting


Shard Crafting not working, i press forge button, but nothing happen. Code Crafting woking fine.

This post was edited 5 years 205 days ago by Archparasite
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Shard Crafting
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4 years 356 days ago
I have run into this exact same thing! It seems to resolve itself after a while but definitely weird.

It just happened two nights ago - I took all of the shards out of my Stasis Casket to do a round of combining (turns out I only had one combine ready, but I digress) and when I tried to combine - I just get the little tone, and nothing happens.

It happened weeks back as well, but I was eventually able to combine and thought nothing of it again till it happened two nights ago - and then this thread.

4 years 356 days ago
Hello , i need to add to this, didn't want to create a new post since this one is here for this issue.

It's to do with any and all Shard crafting not shard specific, you press the little hamer to craft the shard and nothing happens you hear the little beep beep for crafting but it doesnt subtrackt credits or give you the new shard , for example i'm currently trying to craft Invictus shard 4 but nothing is happening. 

This looks like an old post if you miss to answer to this one i'll create a new post for you some time soon, thanks.

5 years 203 days ago

May I ask does this happen only with specific shards, or you cannot craft any at all?