Seasonal Relic drop rates seem off


I've recently (past month or two) leveled two characters to ~100  in the Judgement campaign and probably run 100-200 boss missions in the process. I seem to have no problem getting the seasonal relic neural implants, Warbringer's Frenzy and Visceral Frenzy. I also seem to get conduit's resonance and I believe the other weapons when appropriate. What seem to never drop are the other seasonal armor items like Slayer's Calamity, Bane of the Unworthy, Executioner's Celerity, Harbinger of Judgement, Echoing Hatred, Empyrean Bulwark, The Emperor's Vision, and Seal of the Redeemer. I got a number of these when the seasonal choice was released and I leveled a Sororitas, but not for my more recent characters (Psyker and Hierophant). I'm not talking about being unlucky, I have seen hundreds of Frenzies from boss missions and void crusades (possibly boss missions while doing void crusades), but none of the others listed above. If it's possible for someone to take a look at drop rates, I would be very happy to be able to finish these builds using the seasonal relics. Thanks for any help you can give. Also, if you're reading this and have had a similar experience feel free to comment.

As an example after my last two boss missions I have 5 Frenzies and 2 Conduits in my inventory and no other seaonal relics. This is an incredibly consistent result.

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Seasonal Relic drop rates seem off
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98 days ago

Yes, this is a real and lingering problem, since the release of S5.

Try harvest these items at lv 100 maps. You'll find them drop normally again.

The Warbringer's Frenzy also almost stops dropping as eye implant in higher difficulties. That's the implant's true valuable form.