Relic Hunter Perk still broken


The Heroic Deed - Relic Hunter: Complete 100 stolen Relic missions without losing a single reliquary.

I could not get to one relic chest after activating the Deamon and timer, due to being pushed back by champions and villians, so I failed to open it within the timer.  At the time I had around twenty of these counting towards completed in the deed.  Failing this one chest, reset the deed to zero as intended, but now however, I have completed five of these chests - and the deed is not counting them anymore. (stays at zero).

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Relic Hunter Perk still broken
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6 years 165 days ago

we made changes in regard of this Heroic deed! The next patch will contain it!

6 years 166 days ago
I am not OP but I seems to have the same problem too, playing on PC, ingame name: WeleWala
6 years 167 days ago
Would you please give me your ingame account name?
6 years 168 days ago
I'm on the PC - it's still broke after the new update (mind plague).
6 years 171 days ago
Posted by KiLLyoX69 6 years 171 days ago
Hi, I have the same problem, my Relic Hunter count stays at 0. I am sure I collected many of them and the last 3 I remenber, I killed the deamon, the clock was still ticking, I opened the chest (most of the time blue item).

Do I do something wrong ? Or the count is not updated ?

PSN : KiLLyoX69

Character : Irix (AI)

6 years 171 days ago
Hi, I have the same problem, my Relic Hunter count stays at 0. I am sure I collected many of them and the last 3 I remenber, I killed the deamon, the clock was still ticking, I opened the chest (most of the time blue item).

Do I do something wrong ? Or the count is not updated ?

6 years 171 days ago

may I ask on which platform are you playing as well as your account name/PSN/GAmertag?