Psychic Retribution



My progression on unlocking Psychic retribution has been blocked for ages.

I've spent an hour doing some experiments (running map naked :D ), and i finally figured out what was preventing any progress.

So, obviously i was using only psyker skills and nothing else, no weapon skills.

So, what canceled the progress? well... my weapon itself :(

I kill a lot of mobs via the 'mob explode and deal aoe equals to 25% of their hp',  which are not considered as a psyker skill kill :(

Could it be implemented that the exploding mob are considered as a kill using psyker skill? I can understand that from a technical point of view this can be challenging.

I've seen a lot of topics on internet where people simply gave up on this requirement cause considered as bugged, while it is not, but somehow is challenging to get it work :D


This post was edited 4 years 280 days ago by Kiliak
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Psychic Retribution
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4 years 280 days ago
Psychic retribution finally completed :)