Ps5 ultimate Edition


My first 2 chars are stuck because of many bugs (posted this in post last week)While waiting for help/reset is it smart to try a new class or non season character? Or am i gonne hit the same wall/bugs again? 

i dont wanne start a new game because i love this1 but if all chars are gonne end up the same way i might aswell switch.

if you advice me to try again, wich things should i avoid doing for not getting bugged out again. For example is it save to acces storage sinds its full with items from my first 2 chars

Advice would be very appreciated! 

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2 years 13 days ago
I just replied to your other post, please answer back there.

Though story campaign bugs can occur but it's not as common as you personally experienced so I am quite certain that on your next character you won't run into this kind of bug again.