PS4 Psyker Class bug.


Is anyone else having this problem? I have a PS4 Pro, after every mission when I go to the tome of power to change my skills the game force closes. This has happened 6 times. I just bought this game and already feel like I have wasted my money. I have tried reinstalling the game twice and restarted my character twice as well. Only solution so far is to play as the Crusader l, not my first choice, but slightly more interesting than the Assassin. Please help.

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PS4 Psyker Class bug.
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5 years 328 days ago
Kind thoughtful words shall be answered in kind. Much appreciated. Thank you. <3
5 years 328 days ago
The crash will get fixed with the next patch, our colleagues are on the matter. We would like to ask your knid patience until then.
5 years 328 days ago
This hppens to me every single time I return from a mission and try to interact with the tome. It also happens the other way around sometimes as well, when I have successfully set up the skills and then try to interact with the map cogitator. Also on PS4 Pro.

I've sent Sony a dozen of error reports already and I am tired of all this.

5 years 332 days ago
Thanks for that, it will be of great help in resolving the issue!
5 years 333 days ago
Done. Thanks for responding so quickly. This is a really cool game.
5 years 333 days ago
Thanks for the report. Could you please once again interact with the panel and when the game crashes send a crash report with the following message: Psyker skill bug? That would be of great help to us. We will also try to reproduce the case on our end and fix it as soon as possible!