PS4 Cannot click Reconnect Button on Main Menu


After putting the console into sleep mode, it disconnected from the servers. But i cannot reconnect, because apparently I would need a mouse to reach the reconnect button in the middle of the screen. You can't navigate to it, it's impossible with the limited controller options.

Similar stuff happens in the inventory, btw.

It's... kind of hard to stomach stuff like this. You release a game on a different platform, one without mouse and keyboard, but you don't give us a free-moving cursor to control, only directional movement from one item to an adjacent one in the same row.

I played the game today for the first time and I have to really wonder if anyone of the devs ever played it on a console...

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PS4 Cannot click Reconnect Button on Main Menu
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5 years 239 days ago
This button should not appear there in the first place, we are investigating why it is there. Thanks for the valuable screenshot!
5 years 240 days ago
Posted by Marcopolocs 5 years 241 days ago

could you please tell us does this happen all the time when you put the console into sleeping mode or just in specific times like when you are on the Command Bridge/Starmap/in mission etc. Were you in coop maybe? 

So, this is the screen I get about 1 out of 5 times, doesn't matter what I'm doing in the game, Character Select, Bridge Hub, or in Mission. Never played co-op.

The rest of the time, I get back to the Title Screen and can reconnect, but on this screen I am unable to click the "Reconnect" button because I cannot navigate to it.

Btw, why would I need to be connected to the server all the time? Why not just reconnect automatically once you're done with a mission unless you're in Multiplayer? It would allow to actually use the sleep mode and game suspension function effectively.

5 years 241 days ago

could you please tell us does this happen all the time when you put the console into sleeping mode or just in specific times like when you are on the Command Bridge/Starmap/in mission etc. Were you in coop maybe? 

5 years 241 days ago

I play with the release. there were no problems with the controller. add please screenshots your problem