Protect the tech priest


I can't keep the tech priest alive beyond the 3rd wave. Even saving the world skills until the 3rd wave doesn't make a difference. Spamming AOE's and running as fast as I can. 

There's a bug that makes it so you can't quit the mission, just have to keep playing it over and over or bring down the program. It feels like this should be easier. And obviously other people have done it. 

I don't understand what I'm doing wrong, or if I just have to wait until it's not a green mission any more. Advice appreciated. 

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Protect the tech priest
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6 years 267 days ago
Yep, throughout the other defense missions (yes, there will be more), I've learned for myself that placing especially the mines farther out, i.e. closer to where the waves actually spawn, helps a lot.

As for Psykers, a special tip... as soon as you unlock that skill, use Warp Speed to get a much higher firing rate on your weapons, which will allow you to dispatch those trashmobs much more quickly while also managing your warp heat more efficiently, so that when bigger mobs show up, you can unleash your skills without having to worry about warp anomalies.

6 years 267 days ago

I failed the mission the first time as a melee crusader and completed it the 2nd time.

What I did different the 2nd time was I placed the mines 10 meters from the tech priest and focused the enemies coming in the other directions, I stayed at least 5 meters close to the priest to assure nothing got to close.

When I got the turrets I placed them close to the barricades and the left side of the priest and the back and I used the jump ability and the charge with greater axe to catch up to any mobs coming in. I used grenades if I was on CD and basically if no mobs were around I would go to the spawn entries and kill about 5 or so then run to the next spawn entry and kill a few more run back to the center and kill off the rest.

Good luck and hope you complete/d it!

Fight on brothers!

6 years 268 days ago

Failed the first time with Crusader since I didn't know what to expect. Got it 2nd try. Use the jump armor and melee, stay close and don't chase mobs till you thin them out. Do not deploy turret too far so they can provide overlapping fire. but not too close to the tech priest so AOE attack against them won't cause him damage.  Use Grenades against large mobs. TP have over 3K HP left at then end.

Just did it with an Assassin with the sword that allows jump attacks. no problem.

This comment was edited 6 years 268 days ago by Wiz33
6 years 268 days ago
Posted by Brother Kundari 6 years 268 days ago
Yeah, right. If that were only an option for me at this point with a Crusader. Lol.

Wipe out all the entire Pts spent on Close Combat bonuses and change it ALL into Speed and Movement instead. Lol.

Please, anyone else with a Crusader played through this Mission. Please tune in.

Best way with a crusader was to take a long range weapon with tarentula or jump skill tarentula add another turret for depop enemy and jump is for move faster on another position ( personnaly achieve it with jump ) ... Remember the pattern of waves spawn ... they will be the same each time so if you remind them you could prevent Champions spawn and get the aggro instead of Omikron ... The key of succes was to kill trash mob as fast as fast possible and get the aggro of long range and champions ...another tip could be to spawn a tarentula in front of each spawn door if you can ... other tip, camera position, when you'r on the room the best angle for see all ennemy as fast as possible was to lock camera with left spawn, up spawn and right spawn ... Hope you will understand ^^'... And last tip open the ammo and heal box before launch the waves !

Emperor bless you !

6 years 268 days ago
Posted by Khall 6 years 269 days ago
Speed. Make yourself move fast. Gl.
Yeah, right. If that were only an option for me at this point with a Crusader. Lol.

Wipe out all the entire Pts spent on Close Combat bonuses and change it ALL into Speed and Movement instead. Lol.

Please, anyone else with a Crusader played through this Mission. Please tune in.

6 years 269 days ago
Brother Kundari
Speed. Make yourself move fast. Gl.
6 years 269 days ago
Am having big trouble with this Mission here. Seems like no matter what Level you are, this Mission isn´t going to be anywhere near easier to do. It is of course not meant to be too easy, I want to feel I have accomplished something, but I mean, seriously, Come on.

How on earth are you gonna make it in time wave after wave? Your Tech Priest doesn´t take much damage either before he collapses. And so many mobs are coming from all sides.

Am playing Crusader (Melee) and having a huge and hard time trying to go through this Mission, but now I need some serious/good tips on how to actually make it through.

Could it be an idea to bring a Gravgun to this Mission? Could that be a weapon that could actually give me enough time to deal with all the other mobs coming from the other sides?

Any tips, please.

6 years 276 days ago
Homer Morisson

It hurts my heart that they did that to witchfire. It was much more fun in alpha.

6 years 276 days ago
I had two of those +50% dmg buffs drop from Tarot missions or Priority missions, one of those, they might've helped... although my problem wasn't with doing enough damage, it was with getting swarmed by too many mobs at once and the priest dying as soon as he thought he was hit -- on hard that is.

Meaning I could still kill the mobs reasonably quickly, but there were just too many mobs all at once for me to target them all at once... especially since they nerfed Witchfire and doubled its cooldown.

On Story, it was a walk in the park, more or less... main difference being the mobs not doing any damage to me anymore, hardly broke through the shield, so I could nonstop attack and I didn't have to watch my Warp Heat that much either since I could use my LMB warp blast more often without needing "the big guns" all the time.

Strategy-wise though, I did it differently from you -- depending on what mob group was thrown at me, I sometimes went towards them so much that I could kill them right in the doorway through which they were coming, just so that ranged mobs wouldn't even get in range of the priest, and it sometimes helped to not wait until they were in range of me standing next to the priest, because by then two more groups would be almost in range.

I do have the perk selected that gives me +25% movement speed at green supression, so that might be something worth looking into for you as well.

6 years 276 days ago
Tactics: I've been trying to cover the priest with fiery form, while using witchfire/warp rod blast and inferno to hunt the meds and bigs. That way I can ignore the littles and let them get chewed up by the flames. Using a controller, though. So my guy dashes off after the closest target sometimes and tpTP (tissue paper Tech Priest) gets hurt a little bit each time that happens. Lag and rubberbanding now and then don't help.

About the third wave there's a big mob that comes down from the north, I've been using the world-skill mines to neutralize him, and trying to place the two turrets I get as drops in the north and east, where the majority of mobs come from first, so they have overlapping fields of fire. This leaves the south and west where mobs start attacking in the 4th wave under-defended, and the north and east turrets are usually pretty chewed up by the 4th wave too. 

Thinking of buying a +50% dmg output thingy, bet that would make it simple. But again, 80k cr for one mission is almost as annoying as having to unequip my psy focus to try out stun mines would be. 


6 years 276 days ago
Posted by Khall 6 years 276 days ago

Thanks for the responses. I appreciate it a lot. 

I should have mentioned psyker/aoe/crit warp rodx2. ~330PR when I wrote this. 

He is the squishiest NPC I've ever met. I made it to 4th by lowering it to story mode. I will keep grinding. I am thinking of temporarily giving up my psy focus for a mine too. But that seems like a lot of hassle for one mission. This should be like a tarot mission where you can buy turrets or guardsmen (or tech priests not armored in eldar mylar lingerie.) 


Here's my build with then PR351 like I said:

Psyker Rank 12 (then), 2x Warp Rod, Void Shield Generator, Skills chosen:
LMB/RMB from Dual Warp Rods like you, plus Fiery Form, Molten Beam, Spontaneous Combustion.
On Story Mode, it wasn't really a problem anymore... like I said, Tech Priest still lost almost 50% of Health, but nonetheless made it first try on Story... hard mode though, my usual level, virtually unbeatable.

6 years 276 days ago

Thanks for the responses. I appreciate it a lot. 

I should have mentioned psyker/aoe/crit warp rodx2. ~330PR when I wrote this. 

He is the squishiest NPC I've ever met. I made it to 4th by lowering it to story mode. I will keep grinding. I am thinking of temporarily giving up my psy focus for a mine too. But that seems like a lot of hassle for one mission. This should be like a tarot mission where you can buy turrets or guardsmen (or tech priests not armored in eldar mylar lingerie.) 


6 years 276 days ago
Interesting... as a Psyker, I went dual Warp Rods so I get both the Warp/Exotic LMB AoE blast plus the still pretty awesome Witchfire, and I've been rolling through the story missions constantly on +50, sometimes +100, i.e. Hard or Extreme, without any troubles... the only mission that gave me serious trouble was this one, like I said... even other protect the area missions on Extreme were a walk in the park compared.

Setting to Story difficulty works, yeah, but that just reinforces the point that it's badly balanced, given that at Power Level 351 I had to dial it back to Story 210 to get through, when otherwise I handle PL 400/450 missions quite handily.

6 years 276 days ago

Playing as an Assassin (both sniper and mele) and sometimes the choice of weapons can have quite incredible effects.

Had 1 or 2 missions where I struggled to pass unsuccessfully, than changed just 1 or 2 items and then pufff all was easy.

6 years 276 days ago

1. Set to Story-Mode

2. Place the guns on the corners of the yellow square on the ground (far enough from the Priest)

3. Concentrate your attacks on the range opponents. 

4. Kill the Elites, bevor they destroy the guns or break through to the priest

6 years 276 days ago
Homer Morisson
Since apparently I cannot edit my prior post, here's an update:

Re-tried the mission on Story Difficulty instead of Hard Mode, and I managed to complete it -- however even then, the Tech Priest still lost almost 50% of health, again due to me being a) overwhelmed from all sides from Wave 4 onwards, and b) the World Skill Turrets dying, plus c) champion mobs with their huge AoEs hitting the priest.

6 years 276 days ago
Agreed, Psyker here at 351 Power Level, tried it on Hard, which was yellow... not possible to make it past the third wave, I get attacked from four sides at once, mobs bring champions with huge AoEs that kill Tech Priest almost instantly, which means I cannot stand near the Priest.

I don't stand near the Priest, which means trash mobs swarm the priest and kill him almost instantly.

Turrets get destroyed almost as fast as I can spawn them... this is definitely not balanced correctly, given how well I've been able to handle any other defend the base-type mission on Hard so far.

6 years 276 days ago
Not sure what class you are playing. Using the turret armor and as much focus+/cdr I could add with gear, I was able to drop a crazy amount of turrets which pretty much tanked the groups I wasn't clearing at that moment.
6 years 276 days ago
Not that it will help you much but i done it as a melee crusader, and he had 750 hp left at the end of wave 5. This wasnt easy, i had to make sure i was going for Flamer guys, and anything that used AoE skills themselves.