Prophecy not available on PlayStation store


Hello, I can't find the expansion on the store. Sony updates the store every day at 11:00 local time and now it is 14:35 and the expansion is nowhere to be found.

Store Page
Prophecy not available on PlayStation store
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4 years 312 days ago
Is the issue still present? We will immediately check on it!
4 years 312 days ago
Posted by Marcopolocs 4 years 312 days ago
@CHERUBAEL33@UNDERGROWLER‍ please check your respective stores as the game has been released in the EU PS stores as well around 9 hours ago.
Come on guys. I finally get to play Prophecy and then your server go offline in the middle of a campaign mission. Infuriating!

Liking the expansion so far though. :)

4 years 312 days ago
@CHERUBAEL33@UNDERGROWLER‍ please check your respective stores as the game has been released in the EU PS stores as well around 9 hours ago.
4 years 313 days ago
Posted by Cherubael33 4 years 313 days ago
And for Europe ? When?... no game for us?
Well the clock is ticking. Less than five hours 'till midnight here. I'll be happy if I can play it over the weekend.
4 years 313 days ago
And for Europe ? When?... no game for us?
4 years 313 days ago
I can confirm that Prophecy is out in the US PS store now!:)
4 years 313 days ago

WIPPIE!!!!! VERY GOOD NEWS!!!! at exactly 11am, Playstation did indeed update the store and Prophecy is now available! I used the link through the main menu's news feed to access it. Also I received a big update about 30 minutes ago, so Prophecy was an instant download!  

I am a Very happy Warhammer 40k  fan right now ! Thank You Neocore, you guys ROCK!!!! 

This comment was edited 4 years 313 days ago by RedbeardNJ
4 years 313 days ago
Nooo! I took the day off work to play this! I love this game! Was really excited only to wake up and see nothing on the playstation store!  Another 3 minutes it will be 11am here on the east coast USA. I'll update this if it appears
4 years 313 days ago
Posted by Undergrowler 4 years 313 days ago
Also waiting for it.

Since there seem to be some confusion over the Prophecy version at the Xbox store I'm starting to fear another delay. 

I would not be surprised. I'm with Inquisitor-Martyr since alpha on PC (yeah I own it on two platforms) and flawless launch and support is not something Neocore would achieve in the life span of the game.
4 years 313 days ago
Also waiting for it.

Since there seem to be some confusion over the Prophecy version at the Xbox store I'm starting to fear another delay.