Possible Bug,Need Help



   I'm currently enjoying the game very much but I think I might have ran into a bug during the chaos undivided investigation. Specifically the harbingers of hate missions, step 5 of 9. It says to stop the black legion invasion but it doesnt take me to a specific mission and no matter what mission I do it wont progress. 

Any help would be much appreciated thx:)

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Possible Bug,Need Help
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5 years 300 days ago
You mean you can't progress in the campaign because there is no option for that or you cannot interact with the trader on the Command Bridge? 
5 years 304 days ago
I'm sorry but I need help again, I went from step 5 straight to step 7 and now its locked again and I can't progress anymore.  Could you work your magic again lol. 
5 years 304 days ago
You guys are the best! It's fixed, keep up the great work:)
5 years 304 days ago
Awesome thank you so much, I will check as soon as I get home after work!
5 years 304 days ago

We got the matter fixed please check on your progress in the campaign!