PC Martyr Prophecy Reroll All Enchantments bug


When you choose reroll all enchantments in Modify tab, it can happen that number of them will decrease :)

I have faced it with Archeotech relic which is a damn pity case, was good item after all. My tests with green item showed that it's a high chance to get less number of enchantments after reroll all.

SO as a warning to others - think twice before doing that.

I have checked compendium about reroll and nothing is said about it, so looks like a bug.

So was 1

Got 2, than it was random number from 1 to 2 (never 3 which is max for module if its not relic)

No warning about the matter :)

This post was edited 5 years 187 days ago by Kortes
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PC Martyr Prophecy Reroll All Enchantments bug
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5 years 187 days ago
Hmm than it should be somehow mentioned anywhere :) However thx for comment, let then consider thread as warning instead of bug report :)
5 years 187 days ago
It's not a bug. The number of total item enchants is randomized when you reroll. So it's a gamble. I've spent millions on rerolls to get more enchantments on stuff.