Online multiplayer crashing to title screen


This started happening today on Xbox console.  My friend and I start loading a multiplayer mission online and we get thrown back to title screen.  Not Adept related like another similar issue.  I’m running a crusader and he is running a Psyker.  We did not have this problem yesterday.

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Online multiplayer crashing to title screen
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5 years 17 minutes ago
2 weeks at most if the certification process goes well!
5 years 2 days ago
Thanks.  Would you be able to give me an ETA on the patch?
5 years 2 days ago
In the next patch this issue will be solved.
5 years 3 days ago
I am having the same issue. Tried different people hosting, different missions, different characters and still kicks to title screen
5 years 3 days ago
You constantly got crashes yesterday? Did you do the same as on the day before yesterday and still the game crashed? What missions did you run?