No Supply chests on mission + graphic bug


AS the title suggests. Is this normal? I know recently they increased supply chests on maps, but this is the first time I've seen a MAP w/o ANY. at all. so far 2 missions I've done today, one had them, one didn't. it was odd enough I figured I'd post it as a bug, if it's intended, then disregard. but at the same time...I don't see how it could be intended. There was nothing about it in the mission description.

Also came upon a graphic bug in the character sheet window. My character on the right side of the screen seems to be having a glitch with the upper portions of her armor (assassin). various armor types seem to be flickering in the background, including ones with no helm (her hair is flickering in and out). It's quite persistent and is an eye strain.

This post was edited 6 years 254 days ago by Elyxthaxzus
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No Supply chests on mission + graphic bug
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